Jake is after me, Tyler will save me

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I ran from the hospital as fast as I could never stopping until I came to the house we lived in, I texted Tyler I was coming and he didn't respond. I ran up the driveway and opened the door when I did Tyler turned around and saw me, I stood there out of breath and he ran over to me and hugged me really tight never letting me go.

Once we broke apart we kissed each other, we broke the kiss and Tyler locked the door. I was still out of breath and Tyler handed me my inhaler.

" Nicole, are you okay babe? Please tell me your okay. He didn't hurt you, did he?"

" Tyler, he's coming for you. He wants you dead. He said I'm no good for you and you should not be on this world. I don't trust him. Please protect me from him."

" I will keep you safe Nicole, I promise. No matter what. How are you here though? You died and went to heaven."

"I climbed back in my casket and it brought me back to life I'm alive and that's all that matters."

" we need to get out of here and move farther away, it's not safe here anymore. Go get packed. "

I ran upstairs to my room and packed all my stuff: my phone, my vest, my clothes and all my other stuff. I stood there and took a deep breath. I ran back downstairs and Tyler took my hand and we ran to the car. We sped out of the driveway and onto the highway. I got a text from Jake asking where I was and he was going to deal with me when he finds me.

" I ran away with Tyler and we are leaving this place. It's not safe here anymore because you want to hurt my boyfriend and I'm not going to let you do that! Leave me and Tyler alone. Remember I love you but I need to move on with my life."

" Nicole. I'm sorry. I didn't mean all that what I did to you, it was stupid of me to say that to you. I don't mind being friends and I hope you do move on with your new life with your boyfriend. I love you baby. I only said that I was looking for Tyler to get you two back together, I want you to be happy. I love you so much."

End of conversation on phone

I smiled at that text he sent me and showed it to Tyler, he also smiled and turned the car around and we went back to our house, we parked in the driveway and we unpacked our stuff. I sat on the couch and turned on Netflix. Tyler came and sat next to me. I picked a movie to watch. I kissed Tyler on the lips.

" Nicole Bree Tanner?"

" Yes Tyler?"

" I love you Baby."

I smiled at that.

" I love you too babe and I always will."

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