• Men's Sacred Numbers •

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Seventeen, seventy, one hundred and ten

These are the sacred numbers of men

Matter not if't they know it to be truth

For each symbolises the stages of youth

Seventeen is your rebel

The ones who fights back

Who shine with immaturity

Like a new zodiac

Seventy is the age of growth

Where life has reached its peak

Your life can finish happily

Closing every leak

One hundred and ten

When you are wise beyond your age

You know what you should not

You are the one uncaged

Humans are immortal

Death is but a portal

To the time of eternal life

A place with perfection rife

Mortals will be reborn

Even though the thought we scorn

It is the cycle of living

The gone who's souls they're giving


My late-night ramblings of meaningless stuff. This makes sense to me now, but probably won't in the morning. Whoops.



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