Chapter 1

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Early in the morning,at about 7 am, Peter was sitting in Tony's hospital room, right next to the bed were he was lying for about two months already.

Peter visits Tony every day, before and after school. He tries to be there for him as much as possible, after all, he worries about him so much. What if Tony wouldn't wake up? - the Highschool student could not believe what would have happened if Tony died that day when he saved everyone. He just couldn't.

When Peter was at school, some of the avengers, like Rhodey, Thor, Natasha and Vision, or especially Bruce and Stephen came by to check on their friend as well. Bruce and Stephen agreed on visiting Tony at least once a week and check on Peter if he's okay.

Today was the doctor's turn to go to the hospital. Slowly he opened up the door to Tony's room and peeked inside.

"Hey kid."

Peter directly turned around and couldn't help but smile a little when he saw that Stephen came in.

"Goodmorning, Mr.- I mean.. Doctor.. Mr. Doctor Strange?" he answered and giggled softly afterwards. "Aww man! I still don't know how to call you, I'm sorry."

"Just call me Stephen." Strange replied,while smiling back at Peter. He took a chair and sat down next to him.

"Okay, Stephen it is! I'll try my best, okay? But don't get mad at me if I'll mix it up again!"

"Don't worry, I won't."

The wizard placed his hand on Peter's head and petted it, shortly after he crossed his arms and looked at Tony's direction with a worried expression. It's been two weeks since the last time he checked on him.

"Did the Doctors say anything about his condition?"

The younger male shook his head.
"No,still nothing.." he sighed "I can't believe that they can't figure out how to deal with Mr. Stark after two whole months yet! Two! It's frustrating.."

Peter placed his hand on Tony's hand and looked at him with a frustrated face, not knowing what to think of this situation.
"I.. I just want him to be okay. Mr. Stark deserves it more than anyone else. He did so much for everyone of us."

Stephen nodded slowly in response and put his hand on their hands too. When he decided to do so, Peter turned his head in surprise in his direction.

"I know." Stephen answered while looking straight into Peter's eyes.
"I know, and I want it too. All of us. And he's going to be okay, I promise."

"How do you know?"

"Remember when I looked into the future and saw millions of other outcomes in our universe and there was only one outcome where we won?"

Confused, Peter tilted his head.

"Well.." the doctor began "We were all alive in that ending, as well as Tony. I saw him being alive and his condition being alright."

Peter immideatly stood up and his eyes sparkled out of happiness.
"Really?? I mean like.. We're all alive and stuff, so he should be fine, right??" he said while his voice got higher out of excitement.

Stephen smiled again when he saw Peter's reaction, he was happy to see him being all energetic again.

"Oh. My. God! I can't believe it!"

Stephen chuckled: "I should've told you sooner, shouldn't I?"

He gave the spider boy a pat on his shoulder when he said so "Kid, you're late to school, you should go now so you won't miss the bus."

"Okay." Peter responded, while standing up and picking up his back pack. He still smiled like a total idiot. "I will see you later, Mr. Doc-...Stephen! I mean Stephen!"
Both men began to laugh for a short moment.

"See you later, Son."

Peter walked out of the room and slowly closed the door.
But then he realized...
Did Doctor Stephen Strange just call him..


Stephen, who couldn't believe to see Peter being so positive again, couldn't help but chuckle a little. The kid really had a rough time going through all of this and Strange was glad to be able to lighten up his mood.

When Stephen turned arround to Tony again, he sighed.
He knew that he was going to wake up, but when? After Tony used the infinity gauntlet, it destroyed itself without leaving a trace of the infinity stones, which is why Stephen couldn't use the powers of the time stone anymore.
The wizard wanted to know when his companion was going to wake up, just like everyone else.

What if it takes two more months? Or maybe even years?

He just didn't know what to do.
All he could do was to reassure Peter and the others about the fact that he would wake up someday.
But when was someday?

"Oh Tony.." Stephen yawned quietly.

He had a terrible sleep last night. Maybe Stephen should take a small nap?
After all, he couldn't just leave right now, Bruce would come in about an hour to meet him at Tony's room. It shouldn't be a problem, right?
Stephen layed his upper body on Tony's bed and crossed his arms under his chest and put his chin on his hands. Looking at Tony, Strange just couldn't help but worry about him. He did so much for every single one of them, he did so much for Stephen.

The wizards scarlet cloak covered both men like a blanket.
Without even noticing, Stephen closed his eyes.

"Please wake up soon."

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