Plane Ride

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It was currently 7:45 and I was packing my suitcase. By the time I finish packing it is was 8:15 and my suitcase would barely close. The zipper on it had got jammed a couple of times but I finally got it. I put my suitcase on the ground and go grab a couple of paper bags to some of my other stuff in. When I grab my toothbrush my phone starts to ring. I check to see who it is. I answer the call with a calm neutral voice.
"Hey Kadie."
"Hola! Are you almost ready? We literally have 20 minutes left to get there."
"Really? 20? I thought we had atleast 35."
"That was probably the last time you checked."
"The last time I checked it was... 8:15!"
"Yeah 8:15 was 15 minutes ago."
"Why do I feel like your faking that "whoops?""
"I don't really wanna go,and plus I barely know you and you barley know me. Only information I have on you is that you live next door and your name is Kadie."
"You also know my age."
"Age doesn't matter."
"It sure does! Your a 18 year old sounding like a petty 14 year old. If I never met you,and just heard your voice I'd think your 14."
"Is that a compliment or insult?"
"Neither,it's a statement."
"Never heard of one like that."
"Of course you haven't. WAIT WE HAVE TO GO NOW!!!"
"It's eight thirty seven!"
"Ok the. Why are you still talking to me?!?"
"Good point,BYE"
I rush out the door nearly dropping my entire suitcase. I get a couple of strange looks and odd stares but that doesn't effect me from running as fast as I can with a suitcase that's about to bust open. It may seem weird that I'm rush to get to LAX (it's a airport if you never heard of it) when I make it there I don't see Kadie.i try calling her but she doesn't answer. I try messaging her. No answer. Then I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around.

"Kadie! Don't do that!"
"Took you long enough."
"I rushed here with stares,you don't dare tell me I took long enough."
"Well ya did."
"But I still made it."
"Within with 5 minutes to spare. Come on our gate is all the way on the other side."

As we make our way toward our flight gate the intercom in the airport goes of calling our flight and telling anyone who's on plane 165 the plane is about to set flight. We're not even half way! We take off and speed through the huge crowd. We knocked over a few kids but they wouldn't move when we asked them to so we just had speed past them. Once again the lady on the intercom says something about our flight. Apparently we have 3 minutes left to make the gate before the plane leaves.

"Kadie! Run faster!"
"I'm sorry I'm not the flash!"
"No time for fun and games."
"You ruin everything."
"Thank you,Kadie. I admire your fact."

'Flight 165 will be leaving approximately in 35 seconds.'

"We made it just in time!"

Flight Attendant Conversation~

"Kadie Fate And Aubrey Christian."
"Here are your passports and you may continue in. Have a safe flight."

Right before we're about to say thanks to the flight attendant,she grabs a tiny microphone which must be connected to the speakers of the airport. She says - 'All passengers who will not make flight 165 your next flight will be on plane 683. Flight 683 will arrive here in about 35 minutes. Sorry for the inconvenience but our last passengers have took up the whole plane and there's no room. Flight 165 will be leaving in 10 seconds. Have a blessed day passengers.'

As we make our way onto the plane i almost trip over a tiny car. This little boy starts to laugh like mad. His mother just stares at him. I have to seat in a seat by myself because there's Not enough space for me and Kadie to sit together. I just happen to choose the seat behind the kid who laughed at me. Half the way of the flight the kid wakes up from his nap and starts to turn around and throwing toy trucks at me and demanded me to pick them up. His mother isn't even awoke yet from her nap! The flight gets worse when we hit a thunderstorm. The loud thundering causes the kid to turn back around in his seat. The right direction. I let a sigh.
5 hours later...
We finally make it to the airport in Oregon and I must've have been so nervous for the flight attendant to ask me if I needed to go the bathroom or a glass of water. When we land on the railway (or airway,idk what there called😂)
My heart jumps so fast I could've passed out. I don't know what's wrong with me cause I can't even walk properly. When I make my way officially into the airport stuff goes blurry then black then- I'm on the floor. Passed out. Unconscious. Can't see or hear anything. Waking up with lights in my eyes and people surrounded me around a bed. I see people but I see 4 people I never hoped I see again until the next 2 days. Then I know where I am. I know the people. I know what happened. I don't know how. Only two things.
Was coming back to Oregon the best option?

I've updated after a month. Are you the ones who ask me when I will I update? Are you happy now? I'm just kidding,I don't really care. That just shows how much you like my fan fiction. I'm happy about that. Hope you enjoyed this chapter of Løve Struck. Bye bye.
Amari 🦃🎄

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