Gunshot: Sad Ending

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It was 1pm and Ford and Wayne had resided to the Garden Grill for their daily lunch, and over a large serving of fish pie and hot milk, they finalised the details of their carefully planned revenge plan.

"Are you sure this will work Wayne?" The doctor mumbled, attempting not to draw too much attention to their conversation.
"Certain." Wayne replies, reaching underneath the small table to hold Ford's warm hand, and give it a quick comforting squeeze. Ford lightly squeezed back, and flashed Wayne a quick smile before letting go of Wayne's comforting hand.

The pair stood up, and thanked Brad for the food as they began to walk back to the clinic. They trekked back in silence, clasping each others hands, both of them hoping that this would work.

Soon enough, they returned to the clinic, and took off their shoes before running upstairs to put their revenge plan into action. It took 2 hours and multiple coffee breaks, but eventually everything had been set up.

The pair collapsed onto Ford's sofa, and switched on the TV, cuddling into each other and enjoying the finale of their favourite TV series. All too soon, the episode had finished, and Ford was fully aware that his mother would rip apart the whole house if he couldn't find him, so they had agreed that Wayne would sleep upstairs, while Ford would reside on the couch downstairs. All though the sofa rubbed uncomfortably against the doctors delicate pale skin, even with multiple blankets, he knew it was all going to be worth it in the morning.


Ford was abruptly awoken by the familiar sharp thunderous knock at the door. He sighed as he stood up, and quickly changed into his usual lab coat and glasses. He swung open the door, only to find the familiar intoxicated figure standing impatiently at the door, cigarette already between her cracked thin lips.

The woman took a quick puff of her cigarette, before putting it back in her mouth, letting it hang off the side of her lip, as usual.
"So" she started, staring into the seemingly calm eyes of her son "Ya gonna give me my money or what?". To Ford's surprise , she wasn't as drunk today as she usually was, and she was able to form sentences a lot better, although she was still clearly intoxicated.

"No, it is my hard earned money, and I do not intend-". Suddenly, the man was cut of by a sharp slap to the face, leaving a big bruise on the side. The woman smiled, satisfied with her actions, she took another long puff of her cigarette.
"Now then, do we have 'n agreement, or do we 'ave to punish ya again?"

Ford stood glued to the spot, frozen by the knowledge of what was going to happen. He could feel Wayne staring at him from upstairs, but he didn't dare turn around as not to attract any attention to Wayne.
"Hurry up Wayne!" Ford thought to himself as the woman approached him slowly, swaying slightly from side to side as she held the burning cigarette in her wrinkled, pale hands.
Just as he thought Wayne had abandoned him, he watched as the woman quickly toppled to the ground, a tranquilliser dart sticking noticeably out of her left shoulder.

Wayne quickly reunited with his lover down stairs as they stared down upon the glory that was the unconscious woman.
"Quick there ain't much time!" Wayne shouted, as he struggled to drag the obese figure up the clinic stairs to the D.I.Y chamber upstairs.


Half an hour and another and another tranquilliser dart later, the woman had finally been tied up to the wooden chair, hands and legs secured to the chair with rope and a bit of duct tape to seal the woman's mouth shut.

Suddenly, the woman was abruptly awoken by a cold bucket of ice water drenching her and her torn clothes. The woman made a futile attempt to move her arms and legs, giving up a few seconds later out of exhaustion.

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