Delivery for Ford

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Note before we begin: I dont own the harvest moon or sos series, and there is no sexual activity in this story, just kissing and stuff. I wont under any circumstances add it just in case anyone I don't want to see me writing smut or lemons sees this. Enjoy!

It was another sunny day in Westown, birds chirping, children playing in the town centre, and everything was normal. That was until Wayne was disturbed from his work by his breathless coworker,Ed,barging through
the post office door clasping a brown paper package addressed to Ford.

Wayne looked up from his desk as a tired Ed stumbled towards him and threw the medium sized package on his desk, sending paper flying. "Sorry 'bout that" an exhausted Ed mumbled, as he bent down to help a baffled Wayne pick up the pieces of paper scattered across the wooden floor. "I'm really late for a meeting, and I was wondering if you could deliver this to Ford". Before an even more confused Wayne could answer, the man had already sprinted out the door, slamming it behind him, causing the blonde haired man to almost fall over in surprise as he returned to his chair, gripping his papers tightly. He set tapped them lightly on the desk to align them before placing them down nearly, before picking up the package, and giving it a gentle shake in a vain attempt to guess the contents of the flimsy envelope like package.

Wayne glimpsed at the package, considering opening the package and quickly looking at what Ford had ordered, since Ford rarely ever got packages, and didn't have any obvious family who ever wrote to him. Wayne didn't even know if Ford even had family, let alone if they would write.

He set it down on his desk, before continuing his work, attempting to ignore the light brown package, that sat on his desk, tempting him to quickly peek at the contents of said package.
Wayne pushed his curiosity aside, and continued to sort through a pile of unimportant documents as an attempt to push the thought out of his mind.

Eventually, he gave into temptation, and took out a small pocket knife, which he used to carefully cut open the bottom of the package.
Wayne was incredibly careful not to tear the fragile paper package, as to not attract suspicion.

Finally, after about five minutes of fumbling and cursing under his breath, a small bottle with a white label and red cap fell out the base.

"What the?" the man questioned, turning the bottle around in one hand, inspecting the black font on the bottle. There was no clear indication of what the bottle contained, how ever, he was unable to remove the tight childproof cap from the bottle.

Before putting the small bottle back in the envelope, he wrote down a few of the words in a spare notebook he had, and hid it in one of his many draws in his large desk. He slipped the bottle back with in the package, and with the help of a stick of glue he kept lying around, he was able to seal up the envelope.

"Good as new." Wayne thought to himself, as he stood up to deliver the package. The clinic was only 5 minuets away, so there was no need to bring his bike, which was kept behind the post office chained up to a small hook he had installed just for this reason. He stepped outside in to the outdoors, and began his short trip to the post office.

Hello people, if you want me to continue this shit story then just comment or something and I will. Thanks for reading! Comments make my world go round and help improve the quality of the story.

Delivery! (WayneXFord)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora