He put my hair back in what he believes a ponytail should be, and placed a small trash can next to the bed. "I hope you don't throw up in my room but if you do, puhLEASE aim properly. Okay Mels?"

I felt myself get lost in his eyes again. I'm beginning to hate how indecisive my dumb ass is! One minute I'm heartbroken! Then the next I'm falling in love with my best friend!

Woahhhhhh did I just say love?????? Wtf is up with me-

"Mel I'm going to sleep on the couch, I put on sailor moon just in case you can't fall asleep."

"Wait why are you leaving me? We've napped together before-"

"Just try to get some rest Melanie," wow he must be really disappointed in me if he's using my real name.

I just laid there watching sailor moon, I tried my absolute hardest to fall asleep but as time rolled by I just felt myself becoming more sober and more lonely.

By the time 4 o'clock came by, I tiptoed to the living room to find Mark wide awake with his headphones in while laying down on the couch. I leaned over and plucked a headphone out of his ear, startling him and causing him to sit up swiftly.

"Why aren't you sleeping? Did you throw up?? What time is it????"

I laughed it off, "I feel lonely by myself, and kinda hungry tbh". Mark laughed and yawned simultaneously, "so what do you want to eat?".

I shrugged my shoulders, "can you just lay with me please? I'm not drunk anymore!!! Just one episode of sailor moon or my hero, pleaseeeeeeee markkkkkkkkk".

He smiled slightly while standing up and heading to his bedroom with me. At first there was an awkward silence in the room as we watched Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon kiss. I couldn't help but giggle because I've never felt awkward with Mark ever before.

Even when I was 11 and got my first period while hanging out at his house after school.

Or when I sobbed for hours when I found out my mom was having an affair.

I trust him with my life. So I did what I always do to make him laugh, tickle him.

He began to laugh hysterically and try to stop me, but in all honesty I'm pretty diesel if I do say so myself. And then he gripped both of my wrists. Not harshly, but gently. Our eyes stayed locked on each for a few seconds, although it felt like a lifetime.

Mark began to lean in slowly, but I'm impatient so I kissed him. At first he pulled away, but slowly placed his lips back with mine.

Our lips moved together at the same pace and rhythm. It felt natural. I began to kiss his cheek and neck, until he stopped me.

"Are you sure about this Melanie? I don't want to rush you or mess anything up. Iloveyou and I don't want our friendship to be ruined but a dumb mistake at 4 am"

"You love me?", I was shook. Like shOOK shOOK. Granted I've always cared for Mark, but the word has never come to mind. Especially because now I knew that now there was a different connotation behind it. It was no longer the friendly I love you that's I'm used to, but the I'm in love with you

"Of course I'm in love with you, I always have been" once those words left Mark's lips he just kissed me. My heart flutters just thinking about love and Mark at the same time. I've never thought about him in that way before, he's always just been my best friend.

My go to.

I mean of course I had love for him prior to this moment but for some reason it just felt amplified right now.

Why wouldn't I love him? He's so caring, and hardworking. He's passionate but also dorky. And God he's so talented. There's so much to love about him.

But why did it take me so long to finally realize this? Am I being impulsive? What about Lucas? Are we even talking about the same type of love?

All of these thoughts ran through my mind as he caressed my skin. I began to feel at ease under his touch. The way he brought his hands up and down my thigh. All my worries melted away as he rubbed his cold hands on my hot skin. Massaging my stress until it was only a figment of my imagination.

As we kissed I started to feel myself unravel under him, slowly intertwining with him under the sheets. He kissed my lips slowly, moving down to my jawline and then my neck. Moving lower and with every minute.

Piece by piece, we began to strip each other. Now I guess you can say we've seen all of each other, from inside to out.

As he entered me, I winced in pain but also melted in pleasure. I know everyone says that the first time having sex isn't good at all, but right here right now all I felt was utter euphoria.

Once everything was said and done he held me in his arms as we cuddled. The sun came up and slowly began to prevail through Mark's curtains. I felt a tear stream down my face. I don't know why I've been such a emotional bitch recently but I couldn't help but to feel sentimental.

Once Mark felt his arm getting wet he spoke in his sleep, "Geez Melanie you still slobber in your sleep?" He said as he began to yawn and giggle at the same time.

I began to sniffle but also laugh that way I don't worry Mark, but it was too late.

"Wait are you crying? What's wrong?? Did I hurt you-"

"You didn't I promise, I don't know why I'm crying to be completely honest with you. I've always fantasized about how my first time would be. I never thought I would get to experience it with my best friend."

Mark began to grin as he kissed my cheek and wrapped me in his warm embrace,

"let's go back to sleep crybaby"


Okay so this is definitely one of my favorite chapters like wow! And thank you guys so much for the support, I genuinely enjoy writing and this is one of my favorite stories I've ever written 🖤

Okay so this is definitely one of my favorite chapters like wow! And thank you guys so much for the support, I genuinely enjoy writing and this is one of my favorite stories I've ever written 🖤

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This is also how I imagine the guys dancing btw sorrynotsorry


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