Chapter 2: Friday

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Playing her Trumpet terribly Timberly came inside Gerald's room yelling "WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKE UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP"



Covering his ears Gerald couldn't believe that he was alive, staying home yesterday wasn't enough he needed more time to recover, but Timberly had school break because she had a cold, what kind of relaxation was that "might as well go to school" he mumbled as he rolled out of bed.

Stepping out the front door Gerald was happy that he could still walk, "man that girl can kick," he thought "I cant believe that it still burns too pee"

On his way to school Gerald couldn't take the pain anymore so he sat down on a bench, he spotted Abner walking all muddy and throwing something white on Sid's face (whom was laying in the grass), the poor boy was yelling and running away from the pig.

Gerald was about to get up when "OW" the pain was too severe and he wasn't ready just yet, he sat there for a few more minutes to think (man I cant believe that I went out with her, everybody warned me) he slapped his head and thought (why did I have to call her Phoebe when we were kissing, aaaaaa I didn't only say it... I moanedit) feeling his cheeks burning he decided that if he didn't leave anytime soon he would be late.

Holding on to walls to walk Gerald finally got into Hillwood High grounds, and when he looked up his worst nightmare came to view, as an instinct he covered his sore spot for protection (just in case) Gerald quickly looked for a place to hide.

Lila walked by pulling Eugene around like a little puppy "and when you buy me lunch I will give you a big Kiss" Eugene was about to answer but she cut him off "Oh your so cute" and she squished his check so hard that it left red finger marks on his face "Lets go to the mall today, Oh we can get some matching outfits, It would be ever so cute" Eugene was about to answer but she pulled him away.

Coming out from his hiding place Gerald shook his head "mmmmm mmm mmmmm I guess that boy is now double jinxed"

As he finished to put his books away in the locker Gerald looked around for his best friend.

Lila took away way too much time, he wondered if Arnold was mad at him because he went out with her but Arnold kept saying that he was over her a long time ago, not only did he neglect his best friend, he end up broke, hurt, lost track of school, plus he had to spend more time with little sister Timberly that became friends with Lila back in the fourth grade.

Last week when he heard that Arnold got in a fight with Wolfgang, he couldn't even be there for support; Lila wouldn't let him she need attention.

Sighing he walked down the hall that lead to the cafeteria, when all of a sudden he saw Arnold and Phoebe sitting together, laughing and talking he didn't think of it much until Helga Pataki knocked him down the ground "watch it you dweeb"

Getting up slowly Gerald replied "why don't you watch where your going, your the one who's walking 100 mph"

Crossing her arms and smirking Helga said, "well well well, so you broke up with Lila eh," Gerald just gave her an annoying look, and started to walk towards Arnold's direction

Helga pulled him aside and said "welcome back to earth Geraldo, but if you even dare to go and disturb Arnold and Phoebe's conversation I'm gonna have to kick you somewhere that Lila kicked two days ago, and trust me her kicks are a nothing compared to mine.

Gerald wide eyed, took the nearest seat and sat down; usually he wouldn't take in her crap but today, lets just say she got him in the right day and time.

Noticing that Helga was taking a seat beside him Gerald gave her a little push away "so why wouldn't you let me go and see my best friend, and make me sit here with youuuuuu Satin herself"

"Because..." Helga looked around and noticed that Sid was nervously walking around, she pulled him to sit beside her and putting an elbow in the table she asked "so Sid wana come to the movies with Arnold, Phoebe and me?" Sid looking around scared replied "d ddd dirty un un UNDERWEARRRRRRRRR" and ran away. (What's with him, but... oh well that worked out) she thought (I was gonna say Dracula to scare him off, but ok) she shrugged

Pulling her shirt Gerald asked, "what do you mean movies"

Pulling him off she said "you know that big screen with pictures that move, and you get to sit and buy Popcorn and eat it"

Gerald talking between his teeth said "I know, just tell me Phoebe and Arnold are going"

Crossing her arms Helga said "Doi tall hair boy what's it to ya"

He didn't know why he was doing this but that pinch of jealousy was getting the best of him "can can I come with you?"

With an evil grin Helga said, "well well well you go with meee, Satin herself"

Gerald was about to back out but when he looked up he saw Phoebe laughing again, "um yeah you know since I'm Arnolds best friend" rubbing his check, he tried to laugh as if nothing but failed

Looking at her nails Helga said "I don't know I'd rather go with pink boy than with you" she got up about to leave but was pulled down by Gerald again

Laughing nervously again Gerald said "but Helga I really want to watch that movie"

(I didn't even mention the movie dummy) thought Helga, trying to seem uninterested she said "you know what Geraldo, your just in luck I need to do my good Deed of the month so OK but... you better pick me up tomorrow by 7:00 SHARP" and stormed off right on time when the bell rang.

Walking to his class painfully Gerald thought (oh what did I get myself into)



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