What has happened to me?

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I noticed that I spelled Kaoru wrong on the cover.. ;3; Anyway, I hope you like my book! I know I'm not the greatest writer but I'm trying to improve and I hope people can support me in improving! Anywhooo Enjoy! -Author Chan

Your POV

I woke up early that morning. I was just a sweet girl back then... I hurriedly ran downstairs and got my breakfast. Toast in my mouth, I stepped out the door before remembering to say goodbye to my parents.

Today would be a good day. Or so I thought.

I walked into the school to be instantly swarmed by the as I call them, 'The Mean Girls'. "Why weren't you here yesterday, dipshit?" A delinquent spat at me. I mumbled out gibberish at the moment. "Huh? You were supposed to give us lunch money!" One of the main girls growled at me. "I don't... I don't h-have enough money..." I stuttered out silently. The main girl pushed her way to the front of the crowd. She kicked my legs from under me sending me face first into the floor and placing her foot on my back. "You better bring us our damn money, commoner." She whispered in my ear as she was now crouched down to my height now on the ground. Commoner... The thing that those rich kids called the poorer people in the school. Honestly, it ticked me off.

Soon the crowd dispersed leaving me on the floor gasping. I looked around and gathered up my stuff from the ground. I started to walk off until I heard footsteps behind me. I could've sworn I saw two figures when I turned around but they quickly disappeared. I decided to ignore it and go to my next class. In my next class, I avoided most people. I didn't want anyone to really notice the big bruise that was beginning to grow on my cheek. But that didn't stop the two twins beside me from looking over every once in a while. I didn't think much of it at the time. 

After most of my classes, I headed to lunch. Usually, I sat alone, So there I was minding my own business eating my lunch when I felt something hit my back, followed by laughter. I turned around and noticed the food on my back. "Oh, oopsie! Didn't see you there commoner" The girl responsible for it giggled. I just groaned instead of looking sad I walked off to the bathroom. Once there I cleaned myself off and soon had a different look on my face. I was angry. I didn't look helpless anymore. Soon, I had a sly smirk on my face. I quickly walked out of the bathroom and to the cafeteria. I hastily scoped out the area and found the girls at a table. I started towards them and grabbed a drink on my way. I stood right behind the girl from before and tipped the cup upside down. She let out a screech as the cold liquid touched her skin. At that moment the whole cafeteria grew silent and stared. Especially a table nearby, where I could recognize the twins from my class. "COMMONER?!" The girl got up and basically screamed in my face. I had an emotionless expression as she got up in my face. "You. Bitch." She said angrily before pushing me. I stepped back from the push but stood my guard. She pushed me again. "Nothing?" She said before pushing me again. "Come on, bitch. Do something!" She pushed me one last time before I broke. I quickly punched her straight in the face. I could see the guys from the table from before all stand up except the small one. I saw the one with glasses pull out a phone. The girl was still standing there, stunned. I turned my heel and walked off.

That day I got suspended to hurting another student. Thankfully she got suspended as well. Although ever since that day I changed. I wasn't the sweet innocent girl I used to be. I started doing illegal activities.  Everyone started to hate me. I was the outcast, a lone wolf, a criminal that should be expelled. To which I was never expelled for some reason which I don't know. These days I still think when doing my crimes, What has happened to me?

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