Bittersweet Memories

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A/n: Alright...this story is going to be kinda depressing at first..ok really bare with me. Also..I love this fucking idea!!! and I just wish my freaking writing skills were better so I can do a better job! Agggh! Anyways..Hope you enjoy!

You walked the dark street dragging your luggage behind you with your dog Akari by your side. The cold wind cut into you like a knife making you shiver and clutch your coat tighter around you. looking down you can see Akari's thick black coat blowing in the wind while his ears that were usually standing tall like a fox were reared back from the cold. He looked up at you with his caramel eyes like he was asking you if you were almost at your destination. You stopped and took a small piece of paper out of your pocket to look at the address.

"104." You mumbled shivering from the cold weather. Your eyes scanned the mail boxes until finally you see a small house with the numbers not on the mail box, but the front of the house.

"There it is Akari. Just a few more feet." You sniffled.

Walking over you stood in front of the house hesitating to walk any further. It's been 4 years since you've seen your father. He's always resented you and hasn't wanted anything to do with you sense the divorce, so you couldn't help but wonder why he wanted to take you in after your mother's death. Why not let you go to a orphanage if he hated you so much. Suddenly You feel Akari tug at your coat tail and whimper.

"I'm going just give me a second." You said through rattling teeth while you began to slowly walk up to the door.

Opening the screen door you gave the wooden door behind it a few hard knocks and waited patiently. You saw the porch light come on and the blinds slit open like some one was peaking through them. They closed and the door opened to reveal your father. He looked you over seeing your H/c hair blowing in the cold breeze and your E/c eyes watering from the intense wind and showed no sympathy for you. He furrowed his brows and looked at you in annoyance  seeing you look almost a spitting image of your mother.

"You're not staying here." He dug in his pocket and pulled out a key to hand it to you. "You can stay in the loft at the shop." You took the key and wiped your runny nose.

"Can we come in for a second and get warm?" You asked looking down at Akari and back to him. 

"I don't let dog's in the house." He took a step back and slammed the door in your face making you and Akari jump from the sudden loudness that echoed in the darkness.

Your eye's started to water thinking of your mother, plus the extra mile you and Akari had to walk to get to his shop. You turned and began the journey with numb feet and freezing fingers.

On the way you heard a loud motorcycle quickly approaching from behind making Akari bend her ears back from the loudness and get behind you.

"Man I hate this guy!" You held your ears as he got closer.

The street lights flashed over him as he rode letting you see the classic yet simple design of the matte black Harley Davidson and the rider always wearing a black jumpsuit type of attire with what looked like a gray scarf and a helmet. You would always hear him recently, blaring his motorcycle on the quietest darkest nights pissing you and Akari both off whenever you saw him. 

A/n: Here's the motorcycle!  Wonder who this guy could possibly be lol

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A/n: Here's the motorcycle!  Wonder who this guy could possibly be lol

Seeing him coming closer you made sure to hold up your middle finger high in his direction so he got a clear view. You couldn't see his face but you could tell he was looking seeing his helmet facing you as he zoomed by. You smiled at Akari then grabbed your luggage to continue walking. After about 30 minutes you finally get to the shop unlocked the door and both of you walk in to the freezing cold.

"The cold is so annoying!" You groaned while Akari walked over to the thermostat and got on his hind legs to scratch it on the wall. "Oh, so your gonna turn the heat on for us?" You chuckled walking over beside him to flip the switch.

You looked around remembering your father bringing you here many times when they were still married. He showed you how to stitch and sew up any and all types of clothes for customers from the usual passer byers to Pro Hero's. His quirk is thread manipulation similar to Best Jeanist but not nearly powerful enough to be a Pro his self. He can make and fix any type of clothing with the right material while using his quirk. You smiled remembering the few good times you had with your father until the bad memories quickly set in.

"You ready to go to our room?" You asked Akari sitting down beside you waiting patiently for your flash back to be over. His tail wagged and you gave him a pat on the head then proceeded to the loft where you saw spider webs and a old bare mattress on the floor. You sighed and looked over at the round window in the center of the wall with moonlight shining through it. As a child you loved it, watching the cars go by and the people coming into the store always amazed you. especially when you get to see a rare Pro Hero stop by, but now you worried about sleep.

"Better than nothing I guess." You mumbled and sat your stuff on the floor then laid down in your clothes so you could stay warm until the heat set in.

You dug in your inside pocket of your coat pulling out a beautiful picture of your mom and smiled warmly as tears started to stream down your face. "Hey mom, I wish you didn't have to leave me so soon." You cried and rubbed your finger over her face. "I miss you already." You could hear Akari whimper from behind you like he could feel every bit of the pain you felt. "Akari misses you too." you sobbed letting out a small laugh then wiped away your tears.

Your mother was a amazing woman who helped people. She wasn't a Pro Hero, but she was a genuine person who went above and beyond for anyone who needed it and you loved that about her. Her quirk allowed her to see into the spiritual realm. She helped people cleanse their homes and minds from anything troubling them. She even helped some talk to those who have moved on to the other side.  

Your eyes began to water again thinking of her sick in bed talking to all the spirits around her in such a calm way. She was so excepting of everything that was going to happen to her while you just stayed by her side through it all. You watched her gradually grow weaker, she even lost so much weight she was barely recognizable. You remember Her eyes growing more dull with each passing day as death slowly made its way to her and finally took her away, but One thing you will always remember she told you ever since you were a child.

"Keep your head up and Keep your heart strong."

"I'm trying my best." You whispered wiping your eyes and propping  her picture up against your luggage. gazing at her photo you gradually fell asleep in the warm dust filled room with Akari by your side to dream about the Bittersweet Memories you all shared here together.

A/n: I'm so nervous about starting this story but I hope you liked it so far...Sorry its depressing...It will get better I promise. Thanks for reading.

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