Rescued By The Devil In Purple!

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A/n: After (Y/n) gets his arse kicked, he gets help from the devil herself.

I looked anxiously at the woman as she smirked deviously at me. Without my quirk, I was at a huge disadvantage. Not to mention I had no idea who this 'Sombra' woman's quirk was. Quirk negation like Aizawa's Maybe? But she's blinked several times and my quirk hasn't come back once.

Sombra: That terrified expression you're making is hilarious kid! I would keep you if I didn't have to kill you!

(Y/n): Should I be happy about that?

Sombra: Absolutely! You've earned a quick death! Now hold still and this will be easier for everyone!

I ran around the corner as she started to shoot at me with her machine gun pistol. As I kept running, I threw a pulse bomb behind but I was confused when it didn't blow up.

(Y/n)'s Mind: You have got to be kidding me!

Sombra: Oh was that supposed to explode? Tech can easily be hacked you know?

(Y/n): Good to know...

She laughed and I noticed her left eye twitching and glowing. Suddenly it all came to me, causing me to grab some nearby debris and waited. I gulped and heard her footsteps nearby as she continued to laugh and mock me.

Sombra: Don't be a coward boy! I'd rather not kill a- AHH!!!

She shouts as I came out and threw the debris in her eyes, temporarily blinding her and giving me a golden opportunity. I tried to blink away and this time it worked as I ran around the building lost and confused. I eventually stopped to rest but held my breath when I heard her cursing under her breath nearby.

Sombra: Stupid kid. When I get my hands on him I'll kick his little-

(Y/n): Eat this!

I tried to throw a pulse bomb but she caught my arm and grabbed it before chucking it out the window and letting it explode on some random villain. She opened her now red eyes one of which started to glow, this time with anger.

Sombra: I'm assuming you think you know my quirk since you tried to blind me.

She started to chuckle menacingly.

Sombra: But shouting during a surprise attack? This isn't a Shonen anime.

She started to beat the crap out of me. Each punch and kick hurt like hell as I futilely try to fight back with everything I could. She eventually kicked me into a wall and pulled out her gun as I closed my eyes prepared to die. Suddenly there was the sound of glass breaking and Sombra's pained groan.

???: Get up loser.

(Y/n): H-Huh?

I opened my eyes and in front of my eyes was the devil herself, Amélie Lacroix.

Amélie: Hurry it up idiot!

(Amélie's POV)

I could feel my heart race and my blood boil as I glared at (Y/n)'s clueless face. I didn't know if I wanted to kiss him or kill him. Probably a weird mixture of both honestly. I guess that's why I've been enjoying him getting his arse kicked by this Sombra woman through the scope of my sniper. I shot my grapple hook and it landed right above the window of the building they were in. Perfect shot like always. I waited till she pulled her gun before swinging in and kicking her in the face. I look at the speedy idiot and kick his shoe softly to get his attention.

Amélie: Get up loser.

(Y/n): H-Huh?

He looked at me with those beautiful, dumb eyes as I tried to avoid eye contact with him. I hate him so f*cking much but he was the only one nearby (well Mineta was as well but no thanks).

Amélie: Hurry it up Idiot!

(Y/n): Okay okay just stop shouting.

I huff and looked at Sombra, who was contemplating what just happened before standing up and spitting some blood on the ground, making me smirk in response.

Sombra: I'll kill you slowly...

Amélie: Any tips for beating this psycho?

(Y/n): Her quirk is similar to Aizawa's?

Amélie: Perfect. Just peachy... Can you fight?

(Y/n): M-Maybe?

Amélie's Mind: Good enough...

I sighed and ran at her as she aimed her gun at me. I kicked her arm to the left right as she fired, sending a stream of bullets through the glass windows. I was met with a punch to the face and stomach before retaliating with a punch of my own and two gut shots. She was about to shoot me when the dunce (Y/n) tackled me and blinked out of the way of her line of fire.

(Y/n): You're welcome.

Amélie: Shut it!

Sombra: Just get married already so we can keep fighting!

We both stood up as she aimed her gun at us before firing it, only you grumble as she was out of ammo. Before she could reload, we charged at her and blocked a few of her attacks before (Y/n) sucker punched her followed by me kicking her in the stomach.

(Y/n): Yeah teamwork!

Amélie: Quiet or I'll shoot you.

(Y/n): So mean!

We got in fighting stances as she got up, clearly really pissed off.

Sombra: If you're so eager to die than...

She cracks her knuckles and drops her gun.

Sombra: I'll kill you with my bare hands...

A/n: Sorry if the chapter isn't as good!

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