Chapter 4: Prank gone too far...

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I am on a roll here! It's only been four to five days since the last chapter and now I finished with chapter 4. That's a new record!

*confetti everywhere!*

Yay confetti! Let's begin with the chapter already. To make sure no one steals my line, I'm doing the disclaimer this time. Also this may come later than I intended but that'll depend.

I do not own Avengers Academy but if I did, I'd add more Stony and include Natasha Stark aka Iron-Woman from the comic as one of the students. Please enjoy the chapter!





Chapter 4: Prank gone too far...

Author was sitting on the steps of the Avengers Hall. They looked around as they watched the students run around in an urgent manner. Fury just got word from one of his agents and the news wasn't good.

Hydra was attacking.

After that short announcement, everyone started preparing themselves for when they attack. Two new students just joined the Academy a few hours ago. Mockingbird was currently punching away at the punching bag on the roof of the Dorms. She really takes her training seriously.

Dagger was the other new student. She seemed... interesting. If anything, she was likely the only one that was chilling at the moment. We were about to go into battle with Hydra and she's just getting a latte?

Iron Man was updating his armor so it would be battle-ready, Wasp was practicing her shooting, and Loki was... Loki. Speaking of the God of Mischief, where is he? He wasn't at the announcement or in the Dorms last night. Where could he be?

Deciding to leave that matter for later, Author took out their sketchbook so they could cool off. They were feeling overworked because Fury had them creating new facilities to further strengthen the Academy and for the students to use. It was really frustrating because he constantly told them things like "it's not cool enough", or "it needs more red" and other s**t.

When they opened their sketchbook, a huge rush of water blasted them in the face. Author quickly closed their sketchbook and they immediately knew who did this and started thinking of revenge schemes. Their thoughts were briefly interrupted when they saw something resembling a tail at the corner of their eye. It was a fish.



~2 Hour Later~


Author mumbled curse words under their breath because they were still rinsing water out of their clothes. Loki was gonna get what's coming to him... they were gonna make sure of it. While preoccupied with their wet clothes, they ended up bumping into somebody. Looking up they saw it was Mockingbird.

Author: Oh hey Bobbi.

Mockingbird slowly turned towards them with an annoyed expression. There were several burn marks and splatters of green on her clothes.

Author: What crawled up your butt and died?

Bobbi: If you must know, I was doing some biochemistry in the lab earlier and then it blew up in my face all of a sudden!

Author: Maybe you mixed it wrong?

Mockingbird grabbed Author by the hood and pulled them in really close.

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