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Mark's Perspective

My blood pressure was through the roof.
Words could not describe how pissed off I was.

I knew Lucas was a douche bag but out of all days, couldn't he at least make today special for her?

I hopped in a uber and travelled all the way to Melanie's dorm building. As I walked towards the building, something came over me and I began to walk towards Lucas' building.

I don't know if he's there or not but there's no way I'm not going to at least check first. As I walked into his building I crossed paths with Raven. She avoided eye contact with me as she walked shamefully out of the building. Knowing exactly what she did and how wrong she was for it. My blood began to boil once again.

By the time I made it to Lucas' dorm and knocked on his door all I could see was red,

"What's your fucking problem! You're really going to mess up things with a girl that is so beyond genuine just because you can't keep it in your pants!"

Lucas looked pissed, but I didn't care.

"This has nothing to do with you Mark. And last time I fucking checked, I told you to stay away from Melanie!"

"But see that's where you're wrong Lucas. I've known Melanie for almost all of my life. I've watched her struggle through the shit that life handed her but she still manage to put a smile on her face! She has been nothing but a kind, loving person. And for you. You low life fuckboy to go and break her heart? If you really thought I was going to stay away from her you must be a real dumbass! Go fuck your self!"

And with that Lucas punched me in my face. I punched him back but his roommate quickly interrupted before we got into a full on fight.

"Melanie doesn't love you Mark! Stop obsessing over a girl that doesn't want you!" He yelled as I stormed out of his dorm, not even bothering to look back.


Blood dripped from my nose as I walked back to Melanie's dorm. I already knew how hurt she was going to be, and probably even upset with me once I explained where I just came from. But I just wanted to hold her in my arms. Letting her know that everything is going to be okay. I promise.

As I knocked on her door I heard a few small footsteps and sniffles, until she opened the door.

She looked absolutely beautiful. Her curly hair began to frizz up a bit, and makeup was beginning to run down her cheeks. But her cheeks and nose were still pinkish, and her big eyes glistened from the tears.


She pulled me into her room before I could even respond. Coming back with a few cotton balls, lip balm, and an ice pack. First she placed the ice pack on my knuckles, and then began to wipe away the almost dried blood. Lastly she applied the lip balm to my lips because apparently in her words they were "very crusty".

"Mark what happened," she finally broke the silence with her deep voice yet still softly spoken.

"I went to talk to him" I said barely audible because I already knew what was coming next.



"I'm not joking Mark! I can handle things on my own, we're not 12 anymore I don't need you fighting my battles for me."

"I wasn't trying to fight your battle, and I'm sorry if it seems that way. I really am Melanie. I just couldn't stand knowing that he wasn't going to get punched in the face."

This cause Melanie to finally laugh, she playfully hit my arm as she plopped down next to me.

"Thank you Mark"

"No problem Mel"

As we both sat on her bed in silence I knew that I didn't want Melanie to spend the rest of her night wallowing over some loser.

"You deserve better" I whispered. Which is true, Melanie is amazing and deserves someone that really appreciates that.

"You're just saying that because you're my best friend" she whispered back.

"As your best friend I can't lie to you. I think you were too good for Lucas. He obviously didn't see your worth, even after spending five months with you"

Melanie just stayed quiet. I could tell that she wanted to cry but she held it back. Even though I've seen her cry a thousand times before, for some reason she still gets shy.

She leaned her head on my shoulder, "I wish I was there to punch Raven while you hit Lucas". This caused both of us to laugh. Even when she feels like complete shit, she still manages to laugh and make jokes. A true clown.

"I know you're probably going to say no, but it's only 11. The night is still young!-"

Melanie looked so disinterested, it almost hurt,
"Come to the club with me and the guys"

At first Melanie only shook her head no as she kept her eyes glued to her feet covered in Halloween socks.

"I don't know Mark-"

"It'll help you get your mind off of things and last time I checked you told me that I shouldn't spend Valentine's Day alone" I began to grin with a smug smile plastered across my face causing Mel to roll her eyes.

"Fine but only if you buy my drinks!"

"Don't I always?"


This chapter is shorter because it's kinda hard to write from Mark's perspective lol (next chapter will be longer I promise)

Also I'm sorry to everyone who's bias is Lucas 😔 I love him too so this was very hard to write.

But I think Mark is becoming my new nct 127 bias like ??? It was Jaehyun but idk man 😥

If they can have unlimited members then I can have unlimited biases 😤😤

Anyways I hope you guys are enjoying! Thank you for reading 🤪

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