Day 0: Prologue

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     Sora couldn't stop fidgeting in seat. Why? Because he is on his way to DisneyWorld, the happiest place on Earth! He and his three brothers were on a plane to Florida. And he could not wait till touchdown. He turned to his youngest brother Roxas, who had his earphones plugged in.

    "How much longer till we get there?" Sora whined.

     Roxas, not looking up from his phone replied, "Sora we just left the airport, it hasn't even been an hour yet."

    "But I can't wait! My heart is pounding!"

    "Geez Sora give it a rest." A new voice chirped from behind them.

    Sora turned his to met with the eldest of brothers, Vanitas. "We'll be there eventually."

    "But I have so much energy!" Inside, Vanitas thought he looked like a newborn puppy. Out of the four, Sora was always the more energetic of them. He tend to be a very extroverted person. Always having a lot of energy.


    "I can't wait to meet all the characters! And go on all the rides! And eat fancy food! Ah~"

     "You know if sleep, the ride will probably go by faster."

    Sora then sifted his gaze over to his sleeping brother Ventus, who had his head proped up on Vanitas's shoulder, with drool hanging of the side of his mouth. No matter where they are, on a bus, a plane, a car, Ven could always sleep immediately. It was kinda scary...

     "And be like Ven? Always sleeping when he get's a chance? No way!" Sora turned his body and playfully pouted. 

     Vanitas let out a small chuckle, and started amusing himself on his phone. Sora turned to the window beside him, staring at the breathtaking view before him. Sora plugged in his headphones and put on a Disney playlist.

     He was halfway through "Under the Sea" when he fell into a dreamless sleep.


    "Sora! Sora wake up!"

    Sora groggily opened his bright azure eyes. Someone kept patting his head repetitively, and it was really starting to bug him. He turned his head to see familiar bright blonde hair and big azure eyes. He immediately recognized him as his other older brother, Ventus. Even though he and Roxas were identical twins, Ventus's hair was a lighter shade of blonde and his eyes a little larger the Roxas's. Like Sora, he was very extroverted and was friendly by nature. 

    Sora's eyes lit up with excitement. "Are we there yet?"

    Ventus let out an airy laugh. "Yeah, I've been saying that ever since we landed." Sora then started to take in his surroundings. The last of the people on the airplane began thinning out, just leaving the four brothers. 

    Sora's ocean blue eyes widened with excitement. "Why didn't you wake me up sooner, let's go!" Sora quickly grabbed all his belongings, and made a mad dash toward the exit of the plane. He gave a quick thank you to the flight attendant and rushed through the long hallway. He stopped momentarily to look at a poster.

    It was where his final destination would be, Disney World. He's been trying to convince his brothers to go here for years. Well Ventus was just as excited as Sora, but after agreeing to buy three month's worth of sea salt ice cream for Roxas, they were finally able to have this trip.

    Not far behind, the rest of the brother's caught up with the spiky brunette. "Geez Sora calm down a little." Vanitas complained. 

     "I can't wait! Let's go get our stuff!!" Sora grabbed Vanitas's arm, and started running toward the baggage claim. Roxas and Ventus gave a light chuckle before running to catch up with the other two. 


     After waiting about 20 minutes for there baggage, the four brothers got on the 'Disney World bus' that would them to there destination.  Sora resumed his Disney playlist and hummed happily to the tune. Ventus stared eagerly out the window while Roxas and Vanitas looked at their phones. 

     And after another long 45 minutes in silence, the four had finally reached their destination. The magical feeling was all to much for Sora to handle, and the moment the bus parked, he immediately lept off the bus, taking in the breath taking view. It was all so much to take in, he could almost faint at the sight of it. The beautiful scenery of the hedges, cut perfectly to look like the characters. The giant Mickey Mouse statue in the middle of the garden, it was absolutely breathtaking.

      The four brothers made there way into the hotel to get checked in. It was already night out and by the time they got to their room, they were completely tired and crashed onto there new found beds.

       And after the tiring trip, sleep eventually took a hold of them. 

The Happiest Place on Earthजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें