⚡️8⚡️- The chocolate stalker

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"I swear, I'll get rich of all these chocolates," Benjamin said, picking up yet another chocolate.

"I wouldn't swear on it, but I'll give you a sickle for all of the chocolate."

Benjamin chuckled. "Very funny, very funny, Esmeralda. I'll never give you all of these chocolates for just one sickle; I want at least one sickle and twenty-one knuts per chocolate frog."

Esmeralda scoffed. "You wish."

Benjamin went quiet and so did Esmeralda when they entered the school, still following the chocolates that so far lead towards the grand stairs.

By a painting of a depressed clown (probably the same as last time or the clown just had many depressed clown friends), Benjamin stopped and started staring at the clown, creeping out the clown so much he peed his pants.

Esmeralda rolled her eyes and put on a smile before talking to the depressed clown. "Did you by chance see someone dropping chocolates?"

The depressed clown covered a pee stain on his trousers with his hands and blushed. "I — I d-did s-see someone r-rushing by, d-dropping ch-chocolates, b-but I have no idea wh-who he was."

"So it's a He!" Esmeralda said happily, getting one-step closer to the chocolate mystery.

"Y-yes." the clown stammered.

Esmeralda's mind glued the fact that the chocolates came from a boy to an imaginary blackboard.

"How did he look? Or what's his house?"

The clown blinked in confusion, but seemed like he just wanted to be left alone as quickly as possible and replied, stuttering, "I d-didn't see h-his face, y-you see, h-his h-head was c-covered in l-leaves as th-though they w-were g-glued on. H-his tie was shimmering in g-gold, s-silver o-or bronze, I didn't have t-time to sp-pot the difference."

Esmeralda gave a quick smile and thanked the clown before continuing walking after the chocolates.

"So the person isn't a Hufflepuff then. So either a Slytherin, Ravenclaw or Gryffindor, but I highly doubt it's a Ravenclaw, it's just not a Ravenclaw thing to do, plus I don't know that many Ravenclaws that could possibly want to follow me and lure me with candy," Esmeralda concluded, feeling a bit angry with herself for not knowing who the person was.

"Not a girl either so, now you know that," Benjamin added.

Esmeralda turned to Benjamin and poked his cheek with her index finger. "Don't be too sure, the person's head was covered in leaves, thus the clown couldn't see the person's face, and how could he know the person was a boy and not a girl."

Benjamin thought for a while. "I think it's a boy."

Esmeralda furrowed her eyebrows into a slack 'v'. "Why do you think so? Do you have any proof? Did you see the person? Do you know the person? Are you the person?"

"Woah! It's not a bloody investigation, I don't really have any proof and I don't know the person and to be frank, how could I possibly be the person dropping chocolates on the ground if I try hunting after them every bloody evening?"

"So you're not the person then. Who the fuck would want to give me chocolates for free then?"

Esmeralda and Benjamin had now reached the seventh floor and continued gathering the chocolates that floated around at Hogwarts, which hopefully would lead them to the guilty person.

"AHHHHH!" Esmeralda's hands flew in front of her face faster than lighting, resulting in her both slapping herself and getting extremely mad at the person who had caused her to do so.

The blitz died away and she could now spot a scared first year Gryffindor holding his camera firmly in between his two pale hands.

"I thought I told you to bugger off, Creevey," Esmeralda said, trying to remain calm.

Colin Creevey's hands were covering his nose and it was safe to say that it did not exactly help with his popularity for Esmeralda, it did the exact opposite actually.

"What smells so awful?" Colin Creevey asked, his voice sounded a lot like it was gassed with helium so he sounded quite funny.

"None of your business, now Accio!" The camera zoomed towards Esmeralda and she quickly put it into her rucksack before Colin could do anything to prevent her.

"That's MY camera! Give it back to me!" Creevey whimpered, trying to get it back by attacking her rucksack with a questionable looking stick, that he just happened to carry.

"Let it be!" Esmeralda yelled.

"But it's my camera!" Colin whined hopelessly.

"And it's my decision to make if I want someone to take a photo of me!" Esmeralda argued.

"No it isn't, that's my decision to make."

Esmeralda gave him a quick death glare and said, "Maybe one day I'll be master of this world and burn all cameras and by then you'd better learn to let it go or you'll get burned too." Esmeralda said dryly, giving him several quick death-glares.

It had worked a lot better than she had expected and Creevey looked as though he had just seen a ghost.

"Just a warning you know.." Esmeralda added, giving him a fake smile before walking away from him.

"But my camera!" Colin screamed from behind her.

"I'll maybe give it to Denise under our next meeting, but for now, you'll have to live without your precious little camera, who knows what could happen to your relationship, maybe you'll get divorced?" Esmeralda yelled back and walked away from him, this time not stopping to yell back at him.

"What are you going to do with that camera, Esmeralda?" Benjamin asked sounding suspicious, but at the same time, somehow concerned.

"Just you wait and see," Esmeralda said, narrowing her eyes to the form of slits. "Maybe I'll sit on it, maybe I'll throw it in the lake, who knows, not me."

Benjamin raised an eyebrow. "You don't know?"

"I don't know," Esmeralda confirmed, staring at a witch with chickenpox, who constantly itched her already bloody skin.

"You literally said, wait and see that must mean you have a slight knowledge of your plans," Benjamin argued, wanting to be right.

Esmeralda sighed and rolled her eyes. "It's a way of a statement, it's a lot cooler than saying, 'I don't know', surely you would know that, Benjamin."

"Probably one of the reasons I'm not part of your fabulous group isn't it?" Benjamin asked.

"One of many."

The Slightly Stalking PhotographerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora