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Chapter 1

"Shut up Sammy! Ssh! Ssh!" I hissed at my sister, grabbing her hands and yanking her behind the faded yellow dot sofa. Her muffled cries decreased in volume but her body still shook violently. I pulled her head into my arms and cradled her, gently rocked on my heels. whispered sweet words of comfort in her ear, trying to sooth her shivers when heavy footsteps approached the room where we had refuge ourselves too. I all but stopped breathing, my hearts wings fluttering loudly against their cage. Sammy let a loud sob escape and we both froze, eyes wide, blood pumping. The footsteps had stopped. I closed my eyes slowly and Sammy whimpered. We both knew what was going to happened, "I love you with all my heart, remember that okay?"I murmured almost silently, brushing her hair out of eyes. We stared at each other, her hair reflecting the moonlight and turning her into something not quite human. She wiped her bloodshot eyes and tilted her head inclining that she felt the same. The door knob turned slowly has if teasing us and i stood up pushing Sammy behind me. I couldn't let her get hurt, i had promised. Everything after that happened so fast. I remember him bounding in fists flying as if he was trying to hit the shadows that the bright moon had diminished to faded ghosts. Sammy screaming as he grabbed her, her legs kicking violently has he cut off her air supply. I remember me jumping at him like a wildcat; clawing and scratching but he simply threw me off and his spare fist located its self deep in my chest. I flew back, smashing against the glass panels which cracked and shattered against my weight. Then I was just falling into an abyss.

I woke disorientated and lost, wet tears still dripping dramatically down my face. I looked around sobbing violently. "Its all okay, I'm alright" I muttered to myself crawly into a fetal position, until my heart was no longer beating out of my chest. I went to sit up but shearing pain shooting up my arms made me freeze and gasp. My hands were still gripping onto the edge of my bed. So hard that blood was staining the carpet below; creating a small soggy puddle. I slowly unclasped my hands, three large cuts indented themselves on my palms, identical to the metal frame of the bed. I sighed, they would scar and  would go to my collection of blemishes that framed my skin. A loud car door slammed, making me jump out of my bones. Through the slit in the wall i could see bright headlights glaring into the early morning. I scrunched my eyebrows, I hadn't been informed off any new arrivals or visits especially not ones that arrive so early in the day. I wobbled over to the window, my legs still numb from sleep and I could still feel the tension that had worked its way into my body. Loud voices exploded from the courtyard as I squinted out the window, the harsh light burning my eyes. My sight was limited to a few feet of the front lawn so all I could see was a posh white Lamborghini and what seemed to be Dr Swallows engaging in a heated discussion with two other males who had their backs to me. I cursed the limited view. I was already curious about who these people were and my curiosity always got the better of me. I stared at all three of them. The strangers were both tall, one more than the other they both had dark brown hair though the taller one had strips of grey. Suddenly Dr Swallows grabbed the short dark haired male and started dragging him into the direction of the building. The guy was obviously going to put up a fight, all of them usually did but I had encountered Dr Swallows before and the guy was built like a freaking tank. I watched them struggle for a while but soon got bored when the strangers face was still hidden from me. I'd find out who they were in the morning. I needed to at least get a few hours sleep without being plagued by memories.

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