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chapter one: old and new

  "Growing apart doesn't change the fact that for a long time we grew side by side; our roots will always be tangled

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"Growing apart doesn't change the fact that for a long time we grew side by side;
our roots will always be tangled."

* * *

She had left to school before Mr. and Mrs. Barry had woken up, because, if there was one thing she did not need right now, it was a lecture. Caroline hated the idea of going back to school without her brother, but she would just have to get used to it. Anne and Diana had probably already begun their walk just as the girl crossed into the schoolyard, looking for anyone to talk to. Her eyes fell onto Josie and she took a sharp right turn, muttering a quiet 'nope' to herself. Looking around for a pale pink dress, she felt disappointed when she couldn't find one of her favorite people.

Instead, she located one of her least favorite.

Billy was tossing around a ball with Sebastian and Moody, a cocky smile on his face at how his friends couldn't catch anything he threw without flinching. Apparently, she had done one thing right over the break and that was keeping away from the boy. Not to imply that he hadn't tried to speak to her. There was one time where he ran after her in the woods but ended up tripping over a log, hitting his head in the same place Caroline had as a child. Fortunately for him, his injury didn't sustain him a scar but it did cause him a serious case of embarrassment. Luckily, he didn't see her as she slipped behind him, giving a quick look of judgment.

Then, in one of his less fine moments, Moody turned to her, giving her an excited wave. She smiled, returning it in a much less hyper manner. The boy moved to speak to her but the only thing that left his mouth was a gasp of pain. Caroline's eyes widened at the sight of Moody being hit on the side of the head with Billy's ball. Sebastian turned, checking if his friend was alright. She crossed her arms and huffed at the blonde boy approaching her.

"I was wondering when you were going to get here.", he commented, tossing his mitt back and forth in his hands.

"And I was wondering when you were going to leave.", Caroline shrugged, avoiding his attempts at eye contact.

"I heard about your little stunt at the meeting.", Billy said, looking at her more seriously this time, "What were you thinking?"

She scoffed, "Contrary to your popular belief, I don't need anyone's permission to decide what to do with my personal belongings. If that angers you, then so be it but-"

Her sentence stopped and eyes widened at the sight of an old friend walking her way. He looked different, much more mature, making her know that other girls would see it too. The break had certainly done the boy well, that was clear. His hair had changed into a style which definitely fit him more and the hat on his head was a nice touch. Caroline's eyes lingered downward to his sketchbook, a smile appearing on her face.

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