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" Hold my hand big sister all the years through

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Hold my hand big sister all the years through.
Hold my hand little brother for I will always love and protect you. "

*   *   * 

SHE COULD SEE THEM clear as day despite the commotion going on around her, even with Mrs.Rachel's shouts to quiet the audience down. It was a wonder that she had even managed to slip in through the doors that night, but with all the chaos, it let her get through with ease. Anne, Ruby, and Diana were visible from where she sat, all of their eyes wide as they looked at her. With the wave of her hand, she turned back to the meeting which had finally begun to calm down and begin. All she hoped now was that nobody could see a fifteen-year-old girl in the middle of a crowd of middle-aged men in stupid hats.

The man at the center of it all, whom she had come to know as Nate, was standing with his back toward the audience in a frustrated manner. Oh, how she wished Gilbert was here. Despite how stupid and old-fashioned it was, her brother being here would've helped a lot. For starters, she wouldn't have had to sneak in. She was aware of how much Mrs. Barry would disapprove of her actions, but, if Diana was here, then she must have made a much better excuse. People's hands around her shot up into the air when Nate cleared his throat, but she kept hers in her lap, trying not to draw attention.

"My name is Mr.Lynnd, my wife and I were wondering where it was that you sent the gold.", Mrs.Rachel nodded in agreement toward her husband as Nate tucked his hands in the pockets of his trousers.

"I sent the gold to an independent research center in New York for testing.", he explained, avoiding eye contact.

"Likely, send it far enough where you know nobody will look.", she whispered to herself, eyeing the man suspiciously.

Two large hands clamped themselves on her shoulders, making her flinch and whip her head around. Standing over her, with a slight smirk, was the boy whom she had tried her best to ignore since their first encounter, with little to no avail. 

"Kinglsey.", she muttered, pushing his hands of her and turning back to face Nate.

He pulled a chair from the row behind him right next to her, giving her a raised eyebrow. His dark hair was pulled up into a strange bun, making her roll her eyes at his attempt at a different look than messy. The conversation had gotten lively, with accusations of lying, thievery, and everything in between. James leaned over to her.

"What're you doing here, Blythe?", he asked, looking her up and down suspiciously.

"Since Gilbert is gone, I am the one who makes the decisions for my family and our money. I have to be here.", she explained, pushing his head away from her roughly.

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