Chapter 1 - This is That

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A/N** Okay, this is only the first chappy so basically I do a lot of explaining in it. Next chappy will be better written, I hope.
I will make this short though so all I have to say is THANKS FOR READING and if you see this Add Osiria Rose to your comment, if you do comment!
Lots of Love

CHAPTER 1 – The Call

It had been three years since I found Seth and now we had a very small pack at our command, a group of sixteen, and although very small our power was immense and growing daily. Being a White wolf, one of three in North America and One of twenty in the world made me uncommonly strong and fast, not that I minded. So, as I sat, keeping watch of my small pack, all sleeping soundlessly on the spring forest floor I let my mind wander back to the days when I let my wolf control me. Back to before I found Seth. Those days still gave me nightmares sometimes, not that I would ever let anybody know. I would wake up, memories of blood dripping from my canines after feasting on a young deer, hearing its thoughts when my teeth sunk into its warm flesh. That wasn’t the part that scared me though, it was the fact that I loved it, I loved the power and how I couldn’t feel remorse. It scared me how much I wanted to go back to those days when I was completely untouchable. As I sat, perched up in a tree beside the clearing my pack was spending the night in, I ran my hands through my long dark hair, stressed. We were a traveling pack, we didn’t have a Pack House or even homes, and most of the time we were wolves, only changing out to eat and sometimes go into a nearby town unless we were helping another pack.
So, as I sit, perched comfortably on a high bow if the tall oak, looking down on my pack and slowly morphing my hand into a paw and back I thought to myself, is this really the life I wanted? To be going from place to place, more animal than human, staying up and watching my pack as they slept? When I was a kid, before the ridicule when me and my brother were best friends, along with Nathaniel and his sister Alice, I had always dreamt of being a cop, one of the good guys who got to beat up the bad guys. It didn’t hurt anymore, thinking about my past, now they were like a movie, detached. Blake, my brother, and Nathaniel were my best friends when I was younger, Alice too in a way, but when I turned twelve and most of the kids my age changed Nathaniel, Blake and I grew apart, by my thirteenth birthday I was an outcast and when I turned fourteen I had been the runt. Alice sort of stood by me, she was the only one who still talked to me before I left. I ran a hand through my thick dark locks and heaved a sigh, sometimes I wondered what would have happened if I had stayed. Would I have found my mate on my seventeenth birthday like most wolves? Would Nathaniel, Alice, Blake and I be friends again? There was no point in questioning it though, they exiled me, hurt me, both physically and mentally. My inner wolf wasn’t with me, angry at me for leaving my rightful place she had disappeared leaving my in an endless battle for my humanity while I was left to try to lead a pack, without an inner wolf it made me weak, now at seventeen, nearly eighteen, without a mate made me weak too. Without them I was only slightly faster and stronger than an average wolf, equal to most Alpha’s where a White Wolf SHOULD be significantly stronger, faster and more powerful. The only extra ability I had was being able to control my shifting, like causing only my paw to shift. Most White Wolves had unique powers, not weird ones like controlling fire, but being able to talk to animals and other things like that.  

The branch creaked as I shifted my weight off of my one foot so I was perched with two feet beneath me, grateful for the extra agility and grace that came with being a werewolf. Feeling a breeze drift through my hair I decided to go for a run, craving the freedom it gave me. I dropped from the branch I was perched on and hung from it, swinging to a lower branch until I was at the bottom of the tall tree, hopping down and landing with ease from my six foot drop. I sniffed the air, making sure there were no vampires around, to find nothing abnormal.

Maybe I should explain, werewolves are wolves that are born human, we are, in essence however, wolf. Therefore even in human form we keep our wolf traits, like smell, hearing, sight. Not quite as strong as when we are fully wolf but still stronger than a human. White Wolves however have an added feature, so to speak, we have almost cat-like agility as humans. I shifted quickly, the familiar feeling of having hot milk poured on me being a comfort to my racing mind, it used to hurt, changing, when I didn’t do it for a fight. When I concentrated on changing, doing it for myself and not because I had to, it felt like every bone in my body was shattering, now it felt calming. I remember the first time I changed back to my human form, after being a wolf for three months it hurt so bad that when I was human again I was covered in bruises and even had a few broken bones. It had been the only time I hadn’t healed immediately.

I took off, feeling the wet and frozen spring ground fly up beneath my paws, grinning as much as a wolf could as I flew eagerly through the night air. The dull scent of rot and regrowth settled in my nose, it was a scent I loved, the earthiness of it, it felt homey. Like people liked the scent of farms I liked the scent that came with the woods.
Our camp for the night was basically right on the Canadian/United States and I was running north, into British Columbia. The sound of a water fall drifted to my ears, it was likely about a mile north east of me, as I was only hearing it now, it was also likely very small. Right now we were between jobs, Alec, our secretary of sorts, the guy who let me know what packs sent for help, said he had a possible though. I wonder what it would be this time, maybe two or three rogue vamps? Maybe even a rogue wolf. I heard once, a couple weeks ago, that a wolf and a vamp decided to mate, that was what I called disgusting, and now them and their fast growing litter were causing a problem for a pack by Washington state, a little south of us. There were myths about a Vamp and a Wolf mating, the offspring of them grew to be late teens in only a couple weeks then just stopped, living about twice the lifespan of a wolf and craving blood. They looked human, apparently, and could morph into an average sized normal wolf, smaller then werewolves, they drank blood and were territorial, worse than normal werewolves. These hybrids were likely the only thing that could beat a White Wolf such as me one on one. Well, a White Wolf with a mate and an inner wolf. This thought scared me, and not just heart racing fear but the cold sweat just at the thought fear. I let out a shudder before running faster, pushing myself.

I ran until I was out of breath, then ran back. By the time I got back the sun was rising in the sky and my pack was awake, all in human form now and sitting in a circle talking idly, they were used to me taking off at night and usually waited for me patiently when they woke, knowing I was still close enough in case something happened. I entered the meadow, a huge white wolf roughly the size of a small bear a stark contrast to their human forms.

Everybody stood and dipped their heads, kneeling and exposing their necks, a show of their loyalty and trust. I growled lowly, they knew I didn’t want that kind of pack, and yet they still did it. Of course all werewolves were expected to bow to White Wolves, but I didn’t want that, I didn’t want Alpha’s to bow down to me, I didn’t want runts to bow to me. I didn’t want to be what they made me. Seth laughed and stood up, the others following his lead. Seth was the only one who ever stood first, the only one completely at ease with me, the others were too, just not when I was in wolf form. I grinned at him as much as I could, pulling my gums over my sharp canines and letting a playful glint enter my icy blue eyes, likely this would look frightening to anybody but my pack but they knew me well enough.

“So? Do we have any plans yet?” I asked, shifting my body slowly, knowing it unnerved Seth and the others, I shifted my head first, before letting my human form flow easily over the wolf one.

“Ugh, don’t do that Tash! Yeah, Alec  has word that a hybrid attacked a pack a little south of here, they asked for us specifically.” Seth explained, his face and body tense. I felt my muscles immediately coil and tense, Hybrids, just my luck. Of course the one day I thought of them they would appear, I should have known. The irony of it would have made me laugh, if it weren’t under these circumstances.

“What pack?” I asked calmly, putting on a cold face for my pack, not letting them see the fright that threatened to buckle me.

“Crescent I think. No, Crest. Yes, Crest. They just got a new Alpha, Nathaniel I think it is.” Seth said this calmly, he didn’t know about them but my teeth sharpened and I gave a guttural growl as he said it. Could this day get any worse? First Hybrids, but Nathaniel Crest? I wanted to crumple into a ball and hide, I would have if I didn’t have my pack watching me. I wanted to get out of it, I wanted desperately to tell my pack, the Blanc Lupe pack, to wait for the next call for help, but without their Warrior, me, my old pack didn’t stand a chance against a Hybrid, they would be slaughtered like chickens with their heads cut off. Especially as Hybrids rarely went anywhere on their own, they never kept another Hybrid around though, luckily. But I had had packs WITH a Warrior call me for only two vampires before.

“Tasha? Are you okay? You look a little pale. You know, you ARE a White Wolf, and with us, the strongest pack in North America, we can take a Hybrid.” Raven, a small native girl spoke, her voice soft and girly as she was only fourteen and the newest member of the pack. She had only been a wolf for two years but she was strong, even though she was tiny, standing only at five feet.

“Yes Raven.” I whispered this but forced myself to breath, it wasn’t the Hybrid that scared me, mainly, it was Nathaniel and Blake, my rightful Alpha and my rightful Beta, my Alpha and my brother. My two ex-best-friends. Could I face them? Of course I could, I had to. I couldn’t let them know that I, Natasha Selene Lupe, the Alpha of the Blanc-Lupe pack and White Wolf was scared of my old pack. I heaved a deep sigh, it’s not like I had a choice in this matter, besides, I never really thought I would go my life without seeing them again.

“Alright, they are only about two days run from here but we should get moving. We will eat quickly then head out, okay?” I said, using my Alpha voice, a trait I inherited after I rejected my old pack and Seth swore himself to me. They all did, which meant they trusted me to have their future ahead of my own. Something I normally didn’t struggle with.

“Sounds good boss.” Alec spoke, running his large hand through his blond messy hair. I rolled my eyes, used to the fact they called me Boss. I sat down on a root of a nearby tree, glad wolves didn’t get cold easily because I was almost shivering, clad in a pair of jean shorts and a red tank top. At least the same magic that let us shift shifted our clothes with us so we didn’t end up nude all the time. I had grabbed a couple pieces of roast beef and sat, my back to the tree, munching easily on the meat, occasionally taking a sip from my water bottle filled with chocolate milk.

Nathaniel was Alpha now. Would he remember me? Would he recognize me? Last time he say me I was a scrawny fourteen year old girl with no boobs, now I was, well, an Alpha and a seventeen, nearly eighteen, year old woman. Would I recognize him? Last I saw him he was fifteen, a year older than myself. Now he would be nearly nineteen. Maybe already nineteen and he would have inherited the pack when he turned eighteen, the year after he found his mate. I wondered absently who is mate might be. Poppy maybe, she was tall blond and confidant, even as a fifteen year old, even then she had the center of attention all the time. Right now the Nathaniel I had in my mind was the nine year old boy I used to have mud fights with but the Poppy I remembered would suit the Nathaniel that hurt me, the one who bullied me and exiled me. I didn’t like thinking that, nobody was all bad, not even Poppy.

I pictured the last memory I had of Nathaniel, him shouting at me in my mind to come back, a white-grey blur as he chased behind me. It bought back the gut wrenching wondering, what if’s filled my mind, something I tried not to do. Swallowing the last of my meaty snack I stood and went to help Luna pack our backpacks. Luna was right beneath Alec in the packs rankings. First was me, then Seth, Alec and Luna. Luna was my best friend, or as close as it got. She was the girl I talked to the most, the only other person I talked to being Seth. Of course I was friends with the rest of my pack, we were a family after all but I didn’t really ‘Talk’ to them, then again I didn’t really ‘talk’ to anybody.

“They were your old pack, weren’t they. Sorry if I am being to forward.” Luna’s soft voice rang in my ears, how did she know? Had I told her?

“I can see it in your eyes Natasha, the only thing that could scare you like that would be something that already had. I would feel the same if it were me facing my old pack.” Luna was very observant, she wasn’t strong physically but she was tiny and light, like Raven she was a towering five-four and bloody skinny. Of course she was fast as lightening to make up for it. She was a nearly all black wolf like Seth with striking green eyes.

“You are too observant for your own good Luna, you are right. As usual.” I told the smart corn silk haired girl quietly. She smiled at me softly, a smile I returned half-heartedly.

“Okay, everybody ready to head out?” I ask, standing up in a single fluid motion, My pack stands with me, all of them alert and focused. We look like soldiers, all very aware of our surroundings, awake and ready, all of them watching me.

“Yep!” Seth grins happily, speaking for the rest of the pack. Over the years I have come to look at Seth almost as a brother, I would protect him with my life. What will it be like to see my blood brother again? I shake the thought from my head, I will find out soon. I nod and the pack shifts as one, all of us in tune with the other, always moving as one, fluid like a wave. Maybe that’s what make us so strong, the fact we act as one. Now I am a wolf, facing pyramid of sorts of wolves, all looking at me from their ranks. Most packs have their weakest at the back, we have our strongest, in case of attack then we have a better chance of getting out uninjured. My entire pack is strong but the burly one stay behind, the fastest taking up the sides and myself, Alec and Seth in the front. Me in front of all of them. I nod, they are all ready to run, alert with their muscles clearly aching to run. I turn and take off, hearing the fall of paws behind me as I head south, we weave through the trees in perfect sync, up and down the side of the mountain finding the quickest route with ease.

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