Chapter Two

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~Arisa's POV~

Sunlight spilled across the well-maintained garden spreading warmth through me. My hands lightly gripped the handles of my brother's wheelchair as I pushed him through the breathtaking botanical gardens. A gentle breeze whipped through the garden causing loose blossoms to dance in the wind. It was mesmerizing to watch, until a clump of petals smacked into my face.

Akio looked up at me as I swatted at the blossoms that had assaulted my face and chuckled, "That's a good look for you, Ari."

"Yeah, yeah. Really funny." I continued pushing his wheel chair.

"Getting some real, flower power, hippie vibes right now." Akio poked at me as there were a plethora of blossoms now entangled in my hair.

I rolled my eyes, "It's just going to happen again, I'll fix it when we get there."

"Nah, I think you should leave it, I want to see mom freak out." Akio laughed. "She's either going to insist we all look like flower children or will painstakingly pick out each blossom. Either way it'll be hilarious."

I smiled softly as I thought of our overbearing mother, he wasn't wrong, she wanted everything to be perfect for the family photo. We all had to be matching. "You know if you say you like the flower look she's going to push for that." Since the incident that left my older brother paralyzed, my mother had become even more overbearing which none of us thought was possible.

"You're right." Akio snickered, "That's a point for the cripple."

My grip tightened on the handles of his wheelchair but I kept a smile on my face, for him, "Play the cripple card I want to see dad with a flower crown."

Akio grinned, "Yes."

As we rounded a corner of the botanical garden I spotted our mom and dad standing beneath the gazebo with my eldest brother, Ayame and his husband Hideo who stuck out like a sore thumb in our family of dark haired, dark eyed individuals with his light brown hair and his bright green eyes. Everyone was dressed in coordinated perfectly pressed suits and my mother wore a beautiful dark emerald dress with a pretty emerald necklace. I hated family pictures because I always had to wear a dress. In my middle school days, I remembered trying to rebel and wear my track uniform, it did not go well for me.

My mother didn't have a quirk, no one in our family did until Hideo joined our family, but we all liked to joke that mom's quirk was something quite demonic. Whenever she got angry her voice got all weird and terrifying and there was just something in the tone that said do what I say or you'll regret it for the rest of eternity. I ended up being dressed like a doll, frills, lace, a bonnet, all of it and was traumatized ever since and followed her stupid dress code for all family phots from that day onward.

Mom pursed her lips the moment she spotted all of the flower petals tangled in my hair. Our mother possessed the kind of elegant beauty that no matter what expression was on her face she looked like one of those Hollywood starlets from the old days. It was a beauty I could never achieve no matter how hard I tried. I'd always been a tomboy, there had never been anything soft or delicate about me, from the time I could walk I was following Akio around playing football with him and his friends. He was closer to me in age than Ayame or any of our other siblings so I always wanted to be around him and do what he did. Akio was my hero growing up. My father's dark gaze noted the petals in my hair and he chuckled softly as he looked to my mother as she reached for her oversized purse to look for a brush.

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