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I sigh as I lay down on my bed near the newly ironed uniform, fixing my glasses on the bridge of my nose looking up at the tapestry on my ceiling which was gifted to me by my friend Katie back in Australia . It had been 5 months since I moved to Korea or was forced to move by my parents . They thought I was too distracted from my studies because of my "wrong clique". They had been true too some extend even though Katie , Ronan and Taehyun were great company they had bad habits of smoking and partying a lot . They were fine with it until I tried smoking too and at that very moment the heavens decided it was time for my mom to arrive at Katies garage where we were practicing for our little band that we were trying to put together . Why she actually came there in the first place dissolved quickly when she saw me coughing up smoke with a cigarette in my hand . I saw her face turn a an odd colour of red and I felt my face getting hot too . My pleas and explanations about how it was the first and last time fell on to deaf ears and suddenly I was being shouted at by my dad , my mom was calling Katie's mom and recapping what she saw and about how it would be better if Katie and I kept a little distance to being banned to contact my friends , I was packing my backs , on a plane and in Busan and I felt I hadn't even blinked . Now the only thing I could do was sigh as the holidays were over soon school would start. I have lived in Australia my whole life and although I know my Korean I was very rough around the edges . I was dreading getting to know people again . Communication has always been hard for me but once I become close it was ride or die but unfortunately that didn't seem like the case for Katie and the other . I contacted Katie from my fake account and we started texting about how stupid their parents were to try and keep them apart and about how they missed each other and the band but after a while she was becoming more and more "busy" to answer my calls and her texts were becoming shorter and shorter as days rolled by .

Now all I could do was sigh , a deep and long one . I picked up my guitar and started singing a song I wrote the past week when Katie hadn't replied to none of my texts .

(Guitar starts)

"In this dark room , the silence is a creature with long fingers snipping at the thin string that connects me to the people I knew .

The sounds that creature makes , of tearing cotton is filling my head slowly yet awfully loud and painful

Sometimes, I close the door and fall into my thoughts

What are we all trying to do

What are we trying to achieve

Mmmh mmh (subtle humming)

Sitting on my bed, the floor is a vast lake that is frozen from the breathes of the crouched creature beside me
snipping at my string again and again .

(Guitar ends )

It was terrible, Katie always told me that my lyrics felt like bad poetry than words fit for songs so it was Taehyun and Katie who wrote all the songs we would sing in the garage. And I tore the page of my lyrics book and threw it in the bin .
I took out my new uniform from the closet and started to iron it trying to distract my brain from telling me I was abandoned by my friend. I need to go to this new school and make new friends if that is what is actually happening. I need to make a good impression.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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