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Why am i never enough?
Don't I deserve love too?
Why do I get hurt?
Must you play with my heart?
Why do you make me hurt inside?
I cry every night.
Wishing I was enough.
Can I be enough for someone?
My eyes are cried out.
I'm tired.
The feeling is crippling.
My heart is numb.
I don't feel true joy.
I feel true sadness.
My heart is broken,
Never to be fixed.
Fix me please.
Can't you see you are my healing?
Why don't you notice me?
You know how I feel yet you ignore me.
I am lonely.
I am surrounded by people.
Yet I am lonely.
I get quiet and no one notices.
I am invisible.
I am unimportant.
I am no one.
Why am I still breathing?
Is there any real need for me?

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