Phillip Lovin as an expert wolf ownership

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Phillip Lovin is an individual who has had a deep appreciation for wolves all throughout his life. His fondness of the species has prompted him to become a dedicated wolf owner who keeps wolves as pets. Here is a brief overview into Phillip's experience as a wolf owner.

Despite the similar appearance, owning a wolf or a wolfdog is much different than just owning a dog. This is because wolves are significantly different from domesticated dogs in many ways. One major thing to be aware of is that wolves are not domesticated, so wolf owners must engage in training and socialization efforts consistently.

Many wolves are destructive when stuck inside a house all day, as the species is accustomed to roaming and digging freely. Building a spacious, fenced-in area is the best way to keep a wolf or wolf mix entertained and content in a domesticated setting.

Training a wolf comes with several more challenges, as they are highly independent creatures that aren't inclined to please humans like domestic canines do.

Like other types of exotic pets, many wolves and wolfdog mixes wind up in sanctuaries or rescue shelters because of under-prepared owners. Wolves and wolfdogs can be hard to control when you aren't able to put the time and effort into caring for them.

People who believe a wolf or wolfdog mix can learn how to be a good pet on their own must realize that wolves do not think or behave like dogs. For those who have the means to invest in the upbringing of their wolf or wolfdog mix, a wolf can make a good companion. Keep in mind that wolves and wolfdog mixes aren't the right pet for everyone. Phillip Lovin recommends reaching out to an expert at a wolf preservation or sanctuary to get a better understanding of wolves, wolfdog mixes, and everything wolf ownership involves.

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