The new girl

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Sorry the last chapter was really short. This whole story is going to be short. Since this is my first story I'm kind of experimenting with different things. I'll make chapter three longer. I PROMISE.👍🏻

And yes I know my titles are super cheesy. I'll probably get better at them at the end of this story, but ENOUGH OF ME RAMBLING!!!😉

On to the story...

After everyone got settled and in their seats Mr. Johnson, our new fourth grade teacher called up the girl I saw sitting all alone to the front of the room.

"Good morning class," Mr Johnson began, "It is a pleasure to be here today. I would like to get to know all of you, but first, there's a new student I would like you to meet. Her name is Elizabeth," he finished gesturing to the girl standing next to him.

After that, school was a bore. We played a silly name game which was so easy because the only people whom I haven't known since kinder were Mr. Johnson and Elizabeth. 

Then we had recess. I ran outside hoping to get my favorite spot under the shade of the palm tree. I put my leg up on the seat next to me reserving it for Charlotte. I waited and waited and waited. Charlotte never came out. 

We were ten minutes into recess when I started getting worried.

"Where is she?" I thought out loud.

When there was only 5 minutes left of recess, I decided to go and look for her. I looked everywhere, but she was nowhere to be found. 

As I was taking my second lap around the school I caught a glimpse of red with pink polka dots, which is the design of Charlotte's lunchbox! I peaked around the corner and, yes, it was her lunchbox on the floor next to the bathroom. 

Of course! She just had to use the restroom.

As I was about to open the door, I saw another lunchbox right next to Charlotte's. It was pink with a rainbow unicorn on the front. Hmmmmm. I've never seen that one before, I thought to myself.

 I entered the bathroom and to my surprise got splashed in the face with water.

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