The Dead are Alive

Start from the beginning

"I was ready to die. I was supposed to die. I don't – I don't want to be – I can't be a vampire! If there's something that Bonnie can do we have to try," Elena cries. I roll my eyes, it's like she didn't hear anything I had just said.

Stefan turns to her. "We will. We'll try everything," he promises. My fist clenches at my side. Stefan is being stupid about this. He knows there's no way out of vampirism. I get that he and Damon always find ways to beat the odds, but not this time. Bonnie can't save Elena this time. You either feed or die, that's the choice Elena must make whether Stefan sees that or not.

"I can't do this," I mutter. Stefan, Damon, and Elena look to me. "I'm not going to stand here well you two," I gesture to Elena and Stefan, "try to convince yourselves like there is a way out of this. There isn't! The faster you accept that the better. Otherwise Elena is just going to get worse throughout the day." My eyes pierce Stefan's. He bows his head. He knows I'm right even if he won't admit it. My gaze shifts to find Elena's doe brown eyes. "You need to make a choice, or nature will make one for you." Her eyes widen at my words. I scoff, turning and leaving the room.


I walk through the town, my head hanging low. These last couple of days have been a lot. First, I was taken hostage by Alaric, then Klaus died, and Elena Freaking Gilbert is in transition of becoming a vampire. Why does the universe hate me? Before this my life was 'eh' at best, but definitely not as crazy as this. I used to party and have fun, do whatever the hell I wanted, but ever since coming to Mystic Falls my life has been filled with drama and chaos. I know I came for my brothers, but sometimes it feels as though they don't want me, or need me. I huff. Maybe I should leave or at least take a break from this town.

I turn the corner, heading toward the Grill for a well-deserved drink, when hands pull me into an alley. My elbow swings out, ready to attack, when a needle pierces my skin, injecting something into my neck. A sting fills my body. Vervain. Unfortunately for my attackers, they don't know that vervain doesn't affect me like it does others. I turn around grabbing the man by the neck, slamming him against the wall. "Who are you?" I growl at him. He looks at me scared and confused, he doesn't understand why the vervain didn't work. "Who are you?" I yell again, letting my fangs out. His eyes fall onto something behind me. I turn to look when something pierces my chest. It's only inches from my heart. I scream, my hands falling to grasp the stake. But before I can pull it out, two hands wrap around my head, snapping my neck. I black out.


Police sirens ring in my ears as I slowly come to. Groggy, I lift my hand to find myself in the back of a van. Caroline and Rebekah are beside me. What the hell? I tug my arms, but find myself restrained. Glancing down, I find vervain ropes have me tied up. I groan, the rope like little needle pricks against my skin. My head tilts to the side and I meet Caroline's gaze. Hostages once again. Her expression is disheartened as she sighs. I part my lips to ask if she knows who took us and where they're taking us now, when Rebekah wakes with a groan. Her hands clench as she tries to move.

"Vervain ropes," I mutter. Rebekah looks up, meeting my gaze.

"Looks like Alaric outed us all to the Council," Caroline speaks. The Council? Of course it was the council who took us. Screw Alaric! This is the second time I've been taken because of him.

"The Council? What exactly do they think they can do to me?" Rebekah says, annoyed by the situation. Before either Caroline or I could reply, something barrels into the van. The windshield shatters and my body jerks as the van flips over. Still tied to the stupid side of the van, we at least land on our backs. I let out a breath of pain. My chest inhaling and exhaling after being jolted around like a Barbie doll. I glance to the side to find Care and Rebekah in the same condition as me. A sigh of relief falls out of me. At least we are all okay for now. "What the hell happened?" Rebekah groans.

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