50 >> Real emotions <<

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I can't believe that she wouldn't tell me. By the looks on Lauren and Hayden's face, I don't think she told them either. But why would she just leave without telling anyone? That's what she did right now. She knew what Nadia was going to say, so she left. I'm not angry that she didn't tell me, I mean we're just friends but I don't want her to leave.

"Johnny, I didn't know either. Kenzie doesn't like telling people stuff, you know that. She probably just didn't want to hurt us or Hayden." See that's the thing, Mackenzie told me everything, more than Lauren and Hayden; so why was this so different?

"I'm gonna go and try to find her." I say leaving her and going back to the car. She's gotta be around her somewhere.


Johnny probably does know Kenz better than I do, I mean they have really long talks, but I know exactly where she is because I know what I would do. And I would go back to my house, so she's still here. She wouldn't go to ours because that's where we'll be. I don't even bother to knock on the door because she probably won't here me or answer because she doesn't want to speak to anyone.

"No, stop packing right now." What is she doing? Packing again, I swear this girl goes through more places to stay then anyone else I know.

"I'm leaving, Nadia made sure that everyone knows that and now I'm just getting ready to leave for Los Angeles with my- with my family."

"Stop it Kenzie! You know full well that they are not your family! It's probably not my place to say anything but we're your family! You're the best friend that I've always wanted and that's not because you're perfect because you and I both know that you have issues that aren't your fault! But running away is not the answer!"

"What am I supposed to do about something I don't have a say in?!"

"Fight! Say something! Just do something other than agree to what they're making you do!"

"What difference will it make?!"

"I'll never be able to change their mind so that means that all I'm doing is setting myself up for even more pain but this time without anyone there to help!" I've never actually heard her admit it out loud that she wanted or needed help. She acts like she could handle everything and then some. But everybody needs help sometimes, but I don't think I can help her.


No way am I letting K leave. K and I have been friends since- I don't even remember. That's how long I've known her. Annie and her have been friends yes, but I've been her brother since then and I am not going to let her parents take her away. Especially when I know that she doesn't want to go, I haven't even asked her but I know her and I know what her family are like. I need to help her.

Why didn't I see this sooner? Even though Lauren and I just got back together, doesn't mean I haven't been watching them. Not in a creepy way but more because I want to make sure they're alright. I could see the way Kenzie looks at Johnny and knowing how stubborn she is, I probably noticed before she did. She wouldn't't say no to someone when she looks at him the way she does so there has to be another reason and I don't think it's because she's scared, because K's not scared of anything or anyone.

It was because she doesn't want to leave knowing it'll hurt him. Kenzie may be an evil bitch at times, but she cares about people more than she does herself - just as long as they're good people. She doesn't want to hurt Johnny or Lauren or me, that's why she didn't tell us. but by not telling us all she's done is give us less time to keep her here but that doesn't mean I'm going to give up. I will not let her leave, even if that means doing what I'm about to do.

I ring the doorbell and wait for someone to answer and finally they do. "Hello Kenzie's parents, my name is Hayden, you might remember me because I'm Kenzie's best friend and we need to talk."

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