What's wrong with her? Let me count the ways.

10 0 0

One, is it her eyes who never lies Who can look at his soul through his eyes
She watches him from afar
In the arrays of so many star

Two, is it her mouth who loves to talk
About the silly things he does About how silly she could be
To admire him so dearly

Three, is it her ears that always listens
To the world's every beat
The sound of his feet, became her favorite
But voices in her ears said, they never fit

Four, is it her hair that’s a mess
Like how she got into this mess
Like how he made her eyes stung
And her heart bleed in every song

Five, is it her hands who never let go
Even if her heart knew
That it will never going to be her
Its always gonna be him
she will look after

Six, is it her feet who likes to walk
Away from the things that isn't happy
But no matter how many tears she rocked
To him, she will always come back

Seven, is it her soul that’s untamable
She longs to be free but cage in his arms
In her storm, he gave her warm
Without knowing her heart's been harmed

Eight, is it her heart that never hates
The butterflies he gave, she just cant forget
But there he was, with other her
And so her heart bleeds and falls like a feather

Nine, is it her mind who don’t mind
Whatever past he had,
No matter how he loved other her so bad,
She will ask the heaven from above to lead him back

Ten, is it just destiny
Who never loved her
Coz no matter how she wish from the star
They will never allow them together.

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Oct 07, 2018 ⏰

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