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soojin's pov 

skip time *next week , monday 

hmm this week flew so fast .. its time for me to start my school mode on .

i'm wearing the uniform .

'hmm not bad'

. in London we don't have to wear this kind of uniform .but its okay anyway.. 

i look at the mirror , ' i hope i look more Korean like when i'm outside'

luckily , my hangul [language] is good enough and no mistakes at all like usually when i was a 15 years old girl , i'm so confuse about tho korean language but not anymore!!

lets talk about my style for today : 

i let my hair free without a knot ...

i apply a thin layer of a lip tint and an eyeliner .. 

since my skin is pure white , i just let the bb cream to cover my face , so i look more korean .. 

grandma : soo jin .. are you ready ??

she shouts from the kitchen ..

soojin : yes!! wait !! 

i take a last glance at the mirror 'perfect ...' i praise my self .. 

*at the kitchen 

grandma : [" you look pretty ..."] 

soo jin : just like you 

we both laugh

grandpa : [" soo jin .. stop it for now puppy..your driver is waiting outside"]

soo jin : yes!! bye !!

i kiss my grandparent's cheeks 

soojin : wish me luck!! 

i bid they a wave and run to the car 

*at the car 

grandpa said the school was not too far, not too close its only takes 20 minutes

while waiting .. i take a look at my phone and checked my social media 

INSTAGRAM : so0jane._ [not real XD]



POST : 15 

i've changed my username so no one in London will notice me where am i now .. and i've been blocked my FRIENDS in London as well as my dad and the following decrease to 229 people 

*when I arrived at my new school

i walk into the school area , and i'm at exactly at in front of the school gate 

it was awkward here ..

everyone was looking at me with various expression on their face .

well i don't really care about it .

i keep walking into the school and straight to the point 

'where is the teachers room ??' 

?? : hye! are you new here ?

a girl with her shiny black hair greet me .

soo jin : hye *showing my bunny teeth smile* 

?? : need help ? 

soo jin : 'nice' yeaa [" i need to find the teachers room"] 

?? : ahh .. ["teachers room ?"] let me show you .. anyway nice to meet you .. i'm Boram ..Yeo Boram 

'boram ??' 

soo jin : ah nice to meet you too Boram, i'm Jan- ...noo ..i'm soojin , Park Soo Jin 

'that was close' 

we walk across the lobby and on the way to the teachers room .. its quite early duh .. i still have maybe more than hour 

boram : uhm... soo jin ah .. can we go to the toilet a sec?? i cant hold it anymore *groans* 

soo jin :  *chuckles* why don't you tell me earlier ?? okay go .. i'll follow you ..

boram: ["thank you "]

skip time *10 mins pass 

she've been in there almost 10 min now .. lemme check on her 

i walk into the bathroom .. and suddenly 


i accidentally hit a girl 10 cm taller than me .. and it makes my back jerked on the floor and so do the tall girl 

'oww my back TT' 

?? : [" YYAH!! CAN't YOU sEE I'm BiG enOuGh to you To HiT Me ??!!"]

' no soorry ??' 

this girl make my blood boiling ..

i get up and -

soo jin : [" owh ?? I'm SORRy i guess you have to ResPect me too ..look .. we both accidentally hit each other .. why not .. you said sorry and i'll say the same thing"]

?? : [" aissh ! you look like didn't want to continue your life didn't you ? "] 

yes she's taller than me but it doesn't mean that i can't fight back ..

'looks like you don't know either ..' 

soojin : ["how bout you ?you don't look so tough .."] *smirk*

'HAHAHAAAHHAHAHAH girl  you better wash your face' 

her face is BUrnINg!! 

she already cliched her fist  and i deliberately make an annoying face .. 

then one of her minions tap her shoulder and her name tag wrote Choi Naa ji 

naa ji : seoulhyun ah [" stop it , this girl is tough we'll take care of her later .. all of the students are watching .. lets do it later lets goo"]

'seoulhyun ?? wahh her name is already pretty but not her inner attitude.. poor her ..' 

.. she groans in annoyance and walk away 

Boram : yAH! 

soo jin : shit!! 

to be continued 

airport's lavs || woozi ^_^ ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora