Surprise Ever After - Chapter One

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Author's Note: Just thought I would write a bit of fluff as a belated holiday gift/New Year's present to the people who read my fanfics. I'm still working on the other stories, but here's something to tide you over for all the waiting. This is just a one shot, and purely just for fluffiness. Thank you for reading and now onto the FLUFF! Hope you like it.

**Disclaimer: I do not own Drop Dead Fred and I'm not making any profit off of this story.

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"I don't see why we need her for this," said Fred, pointing at Lizzie as he paced inside Natalie's bedroom.

"Because you promised!" Natalie stomped her foot, her unruly locks bouncing in a mimic of the action.

"Did I?" he asked. "It could've been a troll. You know they're known to dress up as people and make awful promises like this just to ruin everything."

"That's a wolf, Fred," she answered, arms crossed. "And I'm sure." The glare he received reminded him of stone.

"Yeah? Well what if I promised because I thought you'd forget?"

"Still counts."

"Still counts!" Fred pitched his voice higher, rolling his eyes, and flipping his hands up in a mocked impersonation of Natalie. His charge simply stuck out her tongue, inciting Fred to do the same.

"So strange..." said Lizzie as she moved to stand beside them. "Even hearing just half the conversation, it's like watching old memories." Her gaze focused in his direction, and Fred could see just how hard she concentrated in hopes of seeing him. The look made his whole body squirm.

"Yech! See, I told you she'd get all sentimental on us," he said, scrambling to the bed, and out of Lizzie's line of sight. He shuddered and brushed at the front of his jacket as though it would somehow rid him of his mess of feelings. "DIS-GUS-TING!" he spat, but frowned when he noticed the smell of Lizzie's perfume. The sweet scent felt downright obnoxious as it tugged at recesses within himself that left him queasy. His hand moved over his stomach.

"I don't care," answered Natalie. "We're going to have fun."

"More like you." He rolled his eyes.

Why couldn't Nat have just forgotten that stupid promise? he asked himself. Did she have to be so much harder to distract than all the other children he was use to? Mud pies had failed, promises of telling her all about the pigeons was a dead end, even offering to tell her more about how he knew Lizzie had been no help. For the life of him Natalie had a memory like a steel trap. A fart could let off in there and it still wouldn't open to let anything out. He didn't know how, but he wanted to blame Fartpants.

"Is everything alright?" asked Lizzie.

"Yeah. Fred's just nervous."

"I am NOT!" he cried. "This game is stupid, boring, and it's going to kill me!"

"Don't be so dramatic," Natalie said.

"Hello? Have you met me?"

"You're weird."

"And you smell," he countered, leaning back against the dresser to sulk.

"Nervous about what?" asked Lizzie.

"About nothing, which you'd know, Snotface, if you weren't deaf!" Fred scoffed.

And if I had a decent interpreter, he thought with a roll of his eyes.

"We're going to play wedding." Natalie bounced, thrusting a bouquet of Barbie dolls tied together with a scarf into Lizzie's hands. "Sorry we didn't have any flowers. Don't ask."

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