My Dear Son, Wylan

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Wylan yelped as he was shoved from the bed. When he stood, he glared at Kaz. "What?"

Kaz handed him a piece of paper covered in words that had no meaning to him. "What does it say?"

Kaz gave Wylan a small smile. "It wants your signature. If you accept..."

The boy glanced down and his cheeks heated. "I just wanted to do something special for you. I understand if you don't accept it."

Wylan exited his room and found Jesper sitting in the kitchen. "What does this say?" He asked, handing the boy the paper.

Jesper's eyes widened as he read the paper. "Woah."


Jesper smiled at Kaz. "Are you serious?"

Kaz started nodding and Wylan glared at the boy. "Tell me!"

Jesper started laughing and threw the paper to the ground. "Kaz wants to legally adopt you!"

Wylan's eyes widened and his jaw dropped and he blinked multiple times. "Are you sure?"

Jesper nodded. "Yep. Kaz wants you to change your name to Wylan Rietveld."

"Why Rietveld?" Wylan asked, still in shock of the situation.

Kaz glanced down, his face slightly red. "It's my real last name. I used Brekker as a street name. I'm taking that last name again if you will sign the contract. If not... it doesn't really matter."

Wylan looked incredulous. "It does matter! Of course, I'll sign the paper!"

Kaz suppressed the smile that rose to his face and Wylan brightened.

"What made you do this, Kaz?"

The raven-haired boy didn't meet Wylan's gaze, his face still light pink. "It's your birthday soon and... I thought you would like this as a present."

Wylan nodded. "I do like it. Thank you."

Wylan grabbed a pen from the table and wrote the only word that he could- his name.

Jesper raised an eyebrow as he gazed at the form. "What does this mean for Wylan and me?"

Kaz took a step closer to them and pulled the contract from Jesper's hands. "I don't know. You'll find out soon enough."


Kaz smiled at Wylan Rietveld and patted the boy's back. 

The redhead ducked his head and blushed. "I still can't believe you did this, Kaz."

Kaz Rietveld shrugged. "Don't you like it?"

Wylan glanced up at the boy and smiled. "I like it."

Thanks for reading! Another short one, but this is a concept that I enjoyed writing! I hope you enjoyed reading it!

Make sure to vote and comment!

Love you guys!

~Kay <3

P.S. For those of y'all who were telling me to get better soon, thank you! I'm not that sick anymore but I still have a cough. Although, that usually does happen in autumn!

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