Just another heart in his jar

Start from the beginning

"Come on, it's your turn for your hair to be done." Olivia frowned at her sister's lack of emotional state. Alaina wasn't as dramatic as Olivia, if Olivia's fiancé now almost Husband Ryan broke things off with Olivia, she would have made a big scene and begged and pleaded with Ryan to take her back and she would have cried to her family and friends to seek some comfort, whereas Alaina kept to herself, isolating everyone while she silently cried to herself.

An hour later all the guest were seated in the beautiful church and it was time to walk down the aisle. Alaina smoothed her hands down her long red dress and took her bouquet. The two other bridesmaids Jessica and Rachel walked out first and Alaina counted to ten before she stepped through the door after them.

The church was decorated so beautifully and was packed on both sides with people that she both recognised and some she had never seen before. Looking up ahead she saw Ryan who looked both happy and nervous and smiled at him and he sent her a wink back. She then turned her gaze to the best man who she had never met but had heard countless stories about. James Ralph, Ryan's best friend.

Alaina felt the wind knocked out of her as she took in how handsome he was, no one had mentioned that detail to her. He was dressed in a fine black suite with a red the same shade as her dress, his brought grey eyes met hers with such intensity that she had to look away as she reached her spot. The ceremony was beautiful but Alaina found it hard to concentrate on anything as she often found her gaze pulled by those gorgeous grey eyes.

Five minutes Alaina sigh frustrated, that's all it took for someone to ask her where Nick was. Given it was her grandmother who didn't know of the break up, no one knew Alaina couldn't take her anger out on anyone but herself. Standing at the bar waiting for the bar tender to serve her she made a promise to herself to forget about Nick for tonight well at least she would try.

James Ralph was standing drink in hand celebrating with his freshly wed best mate, his eyes glanced around the hall the reception was being held in. He found who he was searching for standing at the bar still beautifully dressed in her red dress.

"Mate who is the maid of honour?" He asked Ryan, who followed his gaze to where Alaina was standing at the bar.

"Olivia's baby sister Alaina." Ryan answered sending his friend a questioning glance.

"How have I not met her yet?" James asked intrigued by the young beauty.

"She's had her final exams and you've been busy with the Beckett deal." Ryan shrugged.

"She doesn't look to happy," James commented as he studied her face as she started sipping on the drink she'd ordered, playing with her phone.

"Olivia mentioned her boyfriend just broke up with her,"

James downed his drink, before smiling at his friend, "I'm going to go cheer her up."

"James..." Ryan sighed, "Leave her alone," James just smirked and walked off.

"I'm James Ralph, best man. How have we not met yet?" Alaina heard a deep voice come from beside her and she turned to see James standing beside her at the bar, he ordered two drinks and Alaina took the time to stare. He had abandoned his suit jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt. Alaina studied his strong jaw and finally met his grey eyes which were watching him with a smirk plastered on his face. Alaina couldn't deny how attractive she thought he was.

"Alaina Preston, I guess we are just the world's worst wedding party." Alaina smiled finishing her drink and sliding her phone into her clutch, she'd had a weak moment were she turned it on to see if Nick had messaged her.

"So you're Olivia's baby sister?" he asked waving the bar tender over for her.

"I'd hardly say baby, but yes I'm Liv's sister. Are you related to Ryan?" She couldn't believe he was actually paying attention to her, of all the people in the room. "Another Gin and Tonic please."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2014 ⏰

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