Words Cut Like Glass

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As it happens, she feels anger and disappointment flood through her body like molten lava. The word hangs through the air, a fraying rope holding her together as her friends laugh, oblivious to her offense. For all her people had been through- and still go through- for the word to be used in such a careless manner was...unspeakable. The anger bubbled up inside of her, ready to burst through the dam of her silence. Yet. Yet, the anger crashed against her dam, and was washed back down, and with her head bent down she continued as if nothing had happened. As if her friends had not said what they said. As if they were not white, and they did not quote that song word for word. As if they did not just say the n word.


A/N: This is quite different from what I usually write, and there's a reason. It's because I had to write this for an English research assignment last year, and my chosen topic was derogatory slurs. These are all random passages of writing that I have done so this book will be all over the place. Deds to my fellow intersectional feminist and fellow Asian frazels xx

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