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-this is set at the same time Evan gets woken up by owl. Just so you don't think it happened twice-

Jon yawned and rubbed his mask, he looked at the page he had been reading about old ledgends and griffins. Jon sat up and streched his arms, so far he hasn't been bothered by anyone so he had gotten 1/4 through the book. Jon hadn't learned anything about how he could understand griffins yet so he was about to give up. Jon tiredly flipped the page and looked at the contents of it. His eyes widen as he found a page on griffins. 

-here's the page-

He Grumbled in annoyance  when he realised this was a different spieces of griffin to Evan

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

He Grumbled in annoyance  when he realised this was a different spieces of griffin to Evan. Jon groaned but read though anyway. Once he was finished he sat back and streched, hearing clicks from his arms and legs. Jon smiled and closed the book, he got up and left the house. He heard a yell and looked back. Craig ran over and tackle hugged him. Jon laughed and stopped himself from falling over. Craig let Jon go.

"When did you spend hours reading Jon?" Asked Craig

"Just wanted to learn something about griffins" Said jon

Craig smiled. "So you do wanna learn, what species, I can help"

Jon rubbed the back of his head "I-i dunno but I really wanna learn about the griffin that has egale feet instead of hooves"

"Ah, follow me then"

(If you don't watch bbs then Craig is MiniLadd)

Craig dragged Jon to his house and got a book. Jon looked over his shoulder as Craig flipped through multiple pages at a very very fast pace. He kept flicking through until he found the page he was looking for

Craig leaned back and Jon sat next to him, he started reading the page

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Craig leaned back and Jon sat next to him, he started reading the page. Craig was reading through another book. Jon looked at the image and smiled when he knew the griffin was evans spieces, he read the notes and took notes in his head. The spieces evan was is the most dangerous and hunted griffin that they know. Jon cursed as he read that, but in his head of course, and kept reading. Craig looked at Jon.

"Uhhhh Jon?" Asked Craig

"Yeah?" Jon looked up from the book

"I-I don't wanna say anything b-but do you hear weird f-faint voices that sound like t-their from the sky?"

Jon looked at Craig. He sighed and rubbed his mask "Well you're not alone there"

Craig jumped "you hear it too?"

Jon nodded" it's the griffins"

Craig's eyes widened "how? How did you know??"

"Becuase I spoke to one yesterday"

"T-thats.... so cool!"

Jon laughed a bit. Craig looked around

"Youve herd of what they call people who can understand griffins right? They say we're a little different" 

Jon hummed. Craig smiled

"Theg say we are able to tame griffins"


"Yeah, but you've taken interest in this spieces, is that the one you spoke too?" Craig pointed at the page 

"Yeah, that's evan"


"Griffins have names to"

Craig squeaked and closed the books, after calming down he picked them up and put them away. Luke kicked the door. Jon opened. 

"What's going on??" Asked Jon

"Griffins above!" Shouted luke

Luke ran off, Jon ran out and looked up, three griffins were flying above, one was definitely younger then the other two. Jon saw the gold and knew thy one griffin was Evan. He looked back and saw Craig.

"Craig, get inside n-"

"JON!" Yelled Craig 

Jon looked back and a black griffin dive bombed him. Jon struggled but felt its talons wrap around his arms. The griffin took off again. Jon yelled and struggled.

"LET ME GO!" Yelled Jon

"No" said the griffin. Jon looked around and saw a griffin flying towards them. It was Evan. Jon growled and struggled again.

"Evan don't!"

A little differentHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin