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"Aka!" Fuka-nee shouts, "Yes?" I say. "Heal Jushiro." She says, I nod, and go over to the 13th Division Captain. I start to heal him

-Time Skip & Kazuha's POV-

"What about me?" I say, "Oh, hi Kazuha." Rose says.

-Time Skip-

I go by Fuka-san, "It's been awhile Kazuha." She says. "Mhm, about a century if I do say so myself." I say, "Go help Kensei and your sister, I got this." She says. I look over at her, she's enjoying this.

She usually doesn't get to meet someone as strong as she is, "Alright." I say.

-Time Skip & Kazu's POV-

I snap my fingers, and stop time. I'm not letting you die Coyote, I care too much about you. I grab him, and bring him to my fraccions. They open up a garganta, I walk into it. Futo takes Coyote, I walk back to the front.

Fuka looks my way, she nods. I unfreeze time, and close the garganta.

Fuka POV

I stop Shunsui from falling, "Huh? Where did he go?" He asks. He looks at me, "Do you know?" Shunsui asks. "Yeah, but don't worry about it." I say

Shunsui POV

That look in her eyes, it's been a long time since I've seen that. The only time I saw that, was when Azuma died. She looks sad, also a bit tired.

-Time Skip & Ichigo's POV-

"Tho, Fuka-san can open it naturally, but what do you really expect from her?" Unohana says.

-Time Skip & Yuna's POV-

I start to heal Shu, "Dumbass." I say.

-Time Skip- Fuka POV

"It is because, in 1,000 years only one Shinigami stronger than myself has been born." Old Man says, I smile. "You Old Geezer." I say, I look over at the others. Aka drops by my side, "Captain, should we grab them?" She asks.

I nod, "Get Captain Shorty first, he has the worst injury." I say. Aka brings Toshiro over, she looks pretty worried. Aww, my baby sister has a crush! I put his cut off arm by his shoulder, I start to heal him.

"Fuka.." I hear him mumble, "Hush Child." I say. He looks at Hinamori, he cares about her.

-Time Skip-

"I have been aware of you, since the time you were born." Aizen says, "So, have I Aizen, so have I." I mutter. I walk over to Yama, "I know your alive, you can stop playing dead, Yama." I say. "Hm, how long have you known?" He asks.

"I knew you wouldn't die so easily, you ain't the Commander of the Gotei 13 for nothing." I say, "Your well deservent of the title, 'The Strongest Shinigami.' " He says. I look up at Aizen, "I never did really trust Aizen, as I said before, it takes a lot to earn my trust." I say.

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