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Carter's POV

"I love him!" My sister Kimberly giggled as she continued singing along with Bruno Mars as he sang Versace On The Floor onstage. 

"Whoa!" Daniel exclaimed grabbing Emerald's hand. "Let's dance."

"Are you crazy? Dad will get mad. The party hasn't really started." Emerald brushed off Daniel's hand.

"Where are all the pretty girls? There are not enough young women here." Daniel complained, his eyes were roaming around the room. 

"I saw Meg Erquita awhile ago." Kimberly said.

"No way! I already hooked up with her." 

"You mean, you only hook up once with a girl?" Emerald asked curiously.

"Yeah. I'm being careful. You know, you girls often misinterpreted hooking up as love already. You became clingy, demanding, keep checking on us and treat us like puppies." 

"What? My goodness Dan, how could you say something like that!" Emerald shook her head, giving Daniel a disappointed look.

"That's why I'm ashamed to have him as my brother sometimes." Kimberly turned to Emerald, then back to Daniel. "I don't know where you get that idea about us girls."

"Of course from experience." Daniel chuckled and stood up. "I'll get Athena. Look how gorgeous she is in that sexy gold dress. She looks like a goddess. Wow!"

"Sit down Daniel." I snapped at him and he easily complied but with a mocking expression.

"Okay, manong. Killjoy jud ni sya oi, maoy di kauyab." He answered, provoking me again. Growing up in Cebu Philippines, we learned to speak Cebuano. Manong was the term used for older brother, could be someone who was a disciplinarian and old fashion.

"Buang ay." Kimberly was the one who responded to Daniel, she was defending me.

The problem with my younger brother, he did not care about other people as long as he had a good time. The reason he often got into trouble. But he easily get out of it because he could easily charm anyone, especially the women.

We were in the Petrakis Towers attending the celebratory event of the Petrakis Holdings Company's merger with the Erquita Metal Company. Aside from being part of the Petrakis clan, our family owned twenty five percent shares of stocks in the Petrakis Holdings.

All the introductions and speeches regarding the merger were done and everyone was having a good time listening to Bruno Mars. The younger generations were swaying their bodies on their seats controlling themselves to stand up and dance at the center, while the sleepy senior citizens became wide awake.

But to the surprise and disappointment of everyone, the music suddenly died.

"Mic test... mic test." Uncle Eros said as he went up of the stage standing beside Bruno Mars. Everyone irked and clamped their ears when he tapped the mic for sound testing followed by a squealing sound. 

"I wonder what he's up to. Don't tell me he's going to sing." Emerald groaned aloud.

The room was filled with silence when uncle Eros started talking. 

"In behalf of the whole Petrakis clan, I'd like to say that we're so honored to have you all here, celebrating the merger of two companies. Petrakis Steel and Erquita Metal Industries." Uncle Eros paused as everyone clapped. He raised his hand for silence as he continued. "Furthermore, I'd like to share also the happiness of our family by making this huge announcement. This is not just a merger... but a union, for life. As the evening continues, I'm inviting all of you to celebrate with us the engagement of my son, Zion to Athena. Cheers!"

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