An apology.

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Hello everyone, so I haven't updated in a long time and I apologise and I don't want to make up bad excuses so I'm just going to tell the truth.

I started writing stories when I was younger, a lot younger. I still have a passion for it but growing up comes with a lot of change. A change in personality, a change in preferences, a change in vision... And I've grown a lot. So basically I never have the time to write stories, as growing up comes with a lot of new things to deal with like new friends, relationships and new interests. As you know, those types of things are very time consuming. I've had my fair share of problems (haven't we all) which drown out my passions and I apologise to my audience and to all of you amazing people who encourage me to write more. I love and appreciate every person who has taken time out of their day to read my creation and for that I am extremely grateful.

I can't promise more chapters but I can try to make an effort to write more for you guys and if I don't, just know that you all have made me happy by just reading along.

Many thanks, from yours truly.

- Meki

( Also, the picture is a recent one of me... so yeah 🙂 )

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