1. Walk

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0. Truck

So one day, I died.

It was almost classic-- I was crossing the road, and a truck-- it's always a truck-- drove into me. My body was thrown into a telephone pole, my legs were crushed to bits, and my body was squashed in the debris. I had bled out before anyone found me, and I was dead before I knew it.

As magical as it would sound, I woke up. Now I'm in a black, blank space that held nothing within-- not even a floor, not even a breeze-- I was left adrift in an expansive void of nothingness, imitating flight in zero gravity that was beyond science.

Was this all life after death held? I found myself wondering, or am I just not there yet?

Someone once said that the most terrifying torture was solitude. Then, was this hell?


Leaping in fright, I pulled myself upright, eyes opening. It was the higher-pitched intonation of a young child, nervous and absolutely terrified. 

"I'm so sorry, are you alive? No, you're dead but-- are you alright??"

Swinging my head around, there was nothing beyond. The voice came from the world without a sky, with no clear indication of who was talking.

Why was it apologizing?

"Oh no, I'm gonna get in trouble. I'm sorry for accidentally hitting you!"

Hitting me?? now I was interested. None of those ridiculous isekai light novels I read ever had this kind of scenario-- wait no, one them did-- the god that dropped a vase on a kid or something-- wait a minute, Hit? What? 

Why is he apologizing-- wait a fuckin' minute was he the truck driver--

"If Void finds me, I'm a dead truck!"

He's the bloody truck??? Truck-sama?!? 

Truck-sama, the legendary truck grim reaper that sends almost every isekai protagonist into the afterlife-- also known as the notorious murderer to create the childhood accident scene for every man's tragic backstory. 

There is no weeb that does not know of him-- this was the Truck-sama!

"You're not on the list, so I can't hide you with Heaven and Hell, I'm gonna send you off before Void finds you! You don't mind, right? I don't know how this thing works, but I gotta skedaddle!"

"No wait a fucking minute!" I finally found my voice to scream out a protest, suddenly realizing this situation, "what's going on, who the hell is-"

I'm not becoming an isekai protagonist! No fucking way! Luffy hasn't found One Piece yet! 

"Take me back, you lump of steel garbage!" I yelled.

"Sorry, Bye!"

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