Part two

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Lucy's POV

All I've been able to think is how out of character natsu was. I've got drama after school again, I'm kinda scared, but I don't exactly know why.

everyone In form was loud as usual I went and sat in my usual spot

"Hey, lisanna" It was Natsu, but he sounded really upset "can I still come to yours later?

He was definitely out of character

"Of course! Like I would miss a date with you" she started to hug his arm
"It's not a date Lisanna, I just need help studying"
"Well I'm only gonna help if you if you say it's a date."
"Lisanna, I'm not in the mood.... Oh hey blondie" Oh he was talking to me
"Fine, if you don't say it's a date I won't help" he just sighed
"Umm blondie?"
"Yeah, Natsu?"
"....well.. are..... are you free after school? Do you, uh.. think you could help me study? I need to get my grades up. well um you've got the best grades in class"

What the hell? this is REALLY out of character,

"Umm, Yeah I'm free after drama today"

"HEY, what the hell Natsu?!"

"Lisanna, I'm fed up with your bull shit! You constantly teasing me, I don't like it and I DON'T care what loke told you but I DONT like you like that"

the bell went off, coincidentally we had drama first

I walked to drama, and outside was lisanna arguing with Natsu
"Natsu come on ditch blondie! It not like she's pretty!" I knew she seemed too nice "Oh hi Lucy" she smiled at me probably hoping I didn't here her
I ignored her
"No, Lisanna anyway she's more likely to get my grades up than you! The only reason I asked you is 'cus all my friends have lower grades than I do, plus I'd rather not be indebted to you
"fine, whatever, I'm going to class" she walked off

"Blondie, sorry about her, come on let's go rehearse" I could tell he was uneasy, not because of Lisanna or me, he clearly was uncomfortable being nice to me.we walked into drama and everyone was there, as usual, arguing.

Natsu and I walked in
"Hey, guys....."
Gray cut natsu off "what's with you?"
Erza started too "Yes, Natsu you're never usually like this. What's wrong?"
"Nothings wrong. I'm just trying to greet my friends."
"Yeah, somethin' ain't right, Natsu you sure you're ok?"
"Gray sama, calm down, juvia is worried"
"Forget, this I'm out" Natsu walked out of class when the teacher wasn't looking
Even Erza was confused
"That's strange, even though he always gets into Trouble, not once have I seen his skips class"

Next We had physics
Gajeel and levy were flirting again
Natsu didn't show up, I think he went home. I really worried about him, wait why am I worried about him?
"Hey lu What are you thinking about"
"Nothing, really."
"Are you okay Lucy? You seem upset"
"Yeah I'm fine"
"Were ya thinkin' 'bout Natsu?"
"N- no" I started blushing, but why? Its not like I like him.
"I knew he was hidin' somethin'

I was still blushing they hadn't noticed yet, So I hid my face so they couldn't see and tried to change the topic.

After school I met up with Natsu and we went to his apartment to study. When I walked in it was really messy like it hadn't been cleaned in weeks.
" sorry about the mess, I don't get many people over anymore" he sighed
"Let's go in the dining room it should be tidy in there" We both walked into the dining room and sat down next to each other "shall we start then."
"Natsu are you ok? you've been really out of character today"
"Yeah, I've just going through some stuff right now"
"What is it?" He started to look a lot more nervous " ahh, you don't have to say if you don't want to"
I was trying really hard to take his mind off whatever happened, when I suddenly spotted a small cat in the corner of the room "oh I didn't know you had a Cat"
"Yeah, I called him happy, I adopted him the other day" I just realised it was the stray cat I saw him pick up
"Hey, blondie,"
"Do you really wanna know what happened?"
"You don't have to say if you don't want to"
"When I was little, my parents died in an accident." He started to get really upset
"Natsu," I didn't know what to say
"So, I had to go into foster care, my foster parent, Igneel, died a few days ago."
"Does everyone else know?"
"No, I've had trust issues for as long as I can remember, so I haven't even told my friends"
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to remind you"
He fell into my arms and burst into tears

"I *sobs* haven't told anyone else, *sobs* but I feel, like I can trust you"
I hugged him back, I still didn't know what to say
"Please *sobs* don't tell anyone at school *sobs*"
"I'm here for you Natsu, don't worry I won't tell" I didn't exactly know how to reply, he started hugging me tighter
"Thank you, blond- . Thanks Lucy"

Wait a minute....

He trusts me?

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