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sorry about bad english :(

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have come to the end of our show!" Giovanni and Zatanna were applauded from the audience while bowing. With the admiration of this tempting and unimaginable duo, the entire hall stood up, there was not a single person sitting.

The Zatara's fame grew bigger with every city they had been to.

The curtain closed slowly, while Giovanni smiled at Zatanna. He had so many things he wanted to tell her. Like how proud she would be if her mother could have seen her. She had become an astonishing stage magician, she was surprisingly skilled.

But the fourteen-year-old Zatanna had already found something else to think of. "What if I wanted to take a butterfly out of a hat but not a rabbit?" Then she went in front of the magical mirrors. "Let's say I want to lose sight of the person who looks at it, what should I do?

She asked lots of unanswered questions while she was going to backstage. Giovanni listened to her where he stood and massaged his head. By the years passes away, his daughter became much stronger and visible to threats out there. And it makes protecting her much harder. Giovanni tried to push her out from the magical world but she was incredibly talented, she even learned some magic techniques by watching him.

After the backstage crew finished picking their stuff, Giovanni was ready to go to their hotel with Zatanna. They had three other shows in Central City and then they could move on to the rest of the country. It was the very first magical Zatara's tour Zee has ever been to. She was really excited to see other cities and meet with other magicians.

When Giovanni went to their preparation room to pick Zatanna, he saw she had already worn her pajamas and started to read her magic for beginners book which her father gave to her.

"Come here beauty, we are going to our hotel room." She jumped as soon as she finished the page she was reading. "I want to sleep daddy, it's been a long day!"

Giovanni smiled. "We must have rest and get ready for tomorrow."

She put her back in her pink backpack and they got out. With every step they made, Giovanni became so much worried. A close friend of his told him about the increasing deaths of homo magi's in the world and gave him a charm for some protection.

Giovanni stopped where he was and took the charm out of his neck.

"Now I'm going to give you something, my daughter. Don't take this off your neck, no matter what. It will protect you against evil out there." Her daughter's life was his top priority, he had to protect her no matter what.

"Daddy, I want to learn everything about magic." She said while she was playing with the charm on her neck. "I became so much happier when I do magic with you..."

"You will, of course, you'll, we just have to wait a little bit. When we go to our home, I am going to teach you everything."

They saw their show's posters on the way to the hotel. People came from all over the city for this magnificent show and it went much more beautiful then they could have imagined.

They saw there people before arriving at the hotel. They had posters of the duo in their hands.

One of them started to speak. "Mr. Zatara, I'm a very big fan. Can I get an autograph?" Other two seems to be excited as him. Giovanni smiled and held the first one's poster. "Of course." He said. It all happened when he took his pen.

The second man somehow managed to hide his dagger. And when Giovanni was defenseless, he stabbed his dagger into the most prestigious and greatest magician of the age.

When Giovanni fell on the ground holding his wound, the cry of Zatanna was hearable the whole street. Her eyes became wide open as she saw his father bleeding. Giovanni had made lots of magical defenses for being bulletproof, this dagger couldn't cut him in the first place.

When Zatanna tried to run to her father, she noticed that the men were holding her arms so that she could not move.

The first man said. "Hold her, she is a half homo magi."

The third man seemed confused. "Do we have to kill half homo magi's too?"

Giovanni Zatara tried to cast a spell but he couldn't even able to speak because of the pain. He wanted to attack the men, tell them to go away, rescue his baby but he couldn't open his mouth. He couldn't even move his finger.

"Father!" She cried. Her eyes were wide open because of the fear, she tried to hit the men but she was too weak.

And then, Giovanni made a wish. He really wanted this, from his heart. He always tried to handle everything himself but this time he needed some help.

He said, "Lords Of The Order and Chaos... Hear me. Take my soul and body but protect my daughter at all cost. Send your greatest magician to take care of her!"

As the man with dagger walked to Zatanna, Giovanni watched her daughter as tears fell down from her face. He thought lords have failed him.

Zatanna looked at his father for the last time and closed her eyes. She was trying to prepare herself for the pain.

"At least, I'll be with my mother and father." She thought.

The next thing she heard was the screams of men.

Charm was worked and protected her! Zatanna couldn't believe it, she run to his father.

She called his name, hugged him and even slapped him but she couldn't receive an answer.

As the men stood up and walked towards the duo angrily she yelled. "Stay away from us!"

Giovanni wished again. "Send me the mightiest magician you have!"

The lights of the street went off for a second and came back, with a teenager boy in the middle of the road.

Blonde haired boy had a raincoat on him but Central City had been sunny for at least a month.

He seemed surprised as much as the others.

Daggered men yelled. "Homo Magi! Catch him!"

The boy looked at Zatanna and Giovanni. "A magician? Me? That's funny." He said with a reckless attitude. "Where the hell I am?"

Giovanni said some bad words to the lords.

And with a mighty light burst which was invisible to everyone else, lords took Giovanni's soul.

Zatanna stood up as she couldn't feel her father's pulse anymore. She closed her eyes for a second and when she opened them, she yelled. "I am going to tear you apart!"

As she ran to the men, boy was watching her. He thought "Wow. Her stupidity gives me a headache."

Then he said some magical words in ancient languages and men froze.

As she hit one of them, he fell to the ground and broke into pieces. She hit other men too and watched them turning into thousands of ice pieces.

The boy from nowhere said. "You are welcome, honey."

Zatanna looked at her father. He was lying on the floor like he never lived. She couldn't believe they performed a magic show together a few hours ago.

She fell down next to him and started crying while the boy was whistling. He took the dagger and the pink backpack.

"If you don't want to be responsible for your father's death, come with me. Now."

Zatanna couldn't even hear him. Her eyes were looking at his father but her mind was in somewhere else.

She didn't realize he picks her up. "Seriously, where are we? Because before I somehow teleported here I was about to killed by a lame magician."

Zatanna replied the boy from nowhere between hiccups. "We are in Central City."

He swore. "Now how the hell I am supposed to get back to London?"

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