Part 16: The Baby is Coming

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A lot of time has passed and now is the big day this baby is coming into this world weather Tori and Hunter want it to or not.

Tori: Mom!!!! Tori screams at her mother in so much pain as Alexa comes running into her daughter's room
Alexa: what's wrong baby girl? she asks of her daughter
Tori: I think my water just broke she exclaims
Alexa: Carlos get the car started we have a baby coming she screams to her husband.
Hunter had fallen asleep on the couch after having a long talk with Carlos and was quit tired when Carlos lifted up the couch and Hunter fell out of bed
Carlos: wake up Hunter your son or daughter is coming right now and you need to be there for Tori so get a move on. He says has Hunter gets up from his feet and starts to panic
Hunter: what do I do I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing? he says in a panic
Carlos: well one thing is for sure you need to not panic that's for Tori to do, and two grab all the baby stuff and put them into the car and walk Tori out to the car and fast this baby isn't going to wait for nobody it's coming and it's coming now he says has Hunter gathers all of the baby stuff that is needed
Tori: Mom I don't think that I can do this I'm not ready to do this ow ow ow ow she screams
Alexa: well I'm sorry dear, but this baby is coming weather you like it or not and it needs to come out now so just remember to breath she says as she help's her daughter out of bed when Hunter enters the room to help out
Tori: Hunter I'm scared I don't know what to do I'm not ready for this baby to come yet she says in tears
Hunter: I know Tori I know, I'm here for you no matter what he says
Tori: you promise? she asks of him
Hunter: I promise as he helps Alexa get Tori out of her bed and starts to walk her to the car
Tori: WHY DOES THE PAIN HURT MORE WHEN I SAND UP!!! she screams in pain as she walks to the living room
Carlos: you're doing great baby you're almost to there he says trying to encourage his daughter. Soon Tori is in the car Hunter is right beside her and Carlos and Alexa are up front.
Carlos: get ready to welcome a new baby PenaVega into our house hold he says has he pulls away from the house. This is not how Tori had planed for her summer to go she didn't even want to go to band camp in the first place, but she felt that it was right to have sex with Hunter that night, she just had wished that she had used protection and now she's on her way to the hospital getting ready to give birth to either a baby boy or girl. So much is going on in Hunter's head he didn't want to become a dad at this age, but he's paying the consequences now and weather he likes it or not Hunter is going to stay with Tori and support her these two are going to learn a whole new set of responsibilities they are going to have to raise this child into this world, but at least they won't have to do it all alone.

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