Chapter 5

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"Thank you for visiting, please come again," I say with a practiced smile, not really expecting an answer. The girls only giggle and leave, glancing back to me every other step. When the doors finally slide shut behind them, I release a slow breath. They were the last customers, so now we're finally closed.

"Good work, Cilan!" Chloe exclaims, smiling brightly. "Thank you so much for working double shift today."

I shrug, "It wasn't a problem."

"You can go home, we'll take care of the cleanup." She gestures to another waiter, currently wiping down tables.

"Thanks!" I walk away into the back room where the changing rooms are. It barely takes a minute for me to change into my street clothes and tan coat. I grab my bag, wave goodbye to the others and walk out the door.

The cool winter air of Kalos hits my skin, and I pull up my scarf. It's colder here than in Unova, but much warmer than Sinnoh. I'm glad I'm not working there. I glance upwards to find it cloudy with no trace of blue sky. It'll probably snow soon, then all the kids will come out in the streets to play in the snow and traffic will stop, just like it did in Unova.

The streets are bustling with people, rushing here and there. The shops are fully decorated, their windows slick with condensation. Children press against display windows, debating which toy is the one they should ask for. A few shops down, a bakery door opens and the aroma of fresh baked gingerbread sweeps down the street, entrancing everyone in sight.

I smile to myself. It won't be long till Christmas. Walking past the bakery, it takes all my willpower not to go in and buy something. I shove my hands into my coats pockets and keep walking. It hardly takes five minutes before I reach the nearest maglev station, and I quickly walk down the stairs, eager to get home. Scanning my ID bracelet, I push past the doors and stand on the platform, waiting.

A couple of minutes later, several teenagers step onto the platform. Their hair is dyed a variety of colors, magenta, purple, cerulean blue. But what do I know? My hair is naturally green anyway, the Princess of Sinnoh's hair is navy blue like her mother's, the prince and king of Hoenn have green hair and the royal family of Jhoto have multi-colored hair.

I glance up at the sign, saying that my maglev is going to be five minutes late. I sigh and pull out my phone. The screen opens to the news, showing big headlines. Kanto's Royal Family Missing? and Surprise Attack in Kanto Leaves Nearly 500 Injured or Dead and Where is the Kanto Royal Family?

"What in the world...." I murmur to myself, eye brows furrowing, opening an article.

Yesterday, December 20th, during the grand opening of an Oak Tech office in Saffron City, a series of surprise attacks left the area in ruins. Nearly 500 people died in Cinnamon Square, and more in other parts of the city, which were also bombed. Surviving witnesses claim to have seen the royal family leave in their Hovercar, but both the car and the family have yet to found.

"It is possible that they were ambushed on the woods back," chief security, Takahashi Haru, says, "but we will do everything possible to make sure they return safely." Several other countries, including Sinnoh and Jhoto, Kanto's closest allies, have sent out search drones over forests and highways to aid with the search. The civilians are in a state of loss right now, with their friends and families hurt and the royal family missing. Hospitals are overfilled with victims of the bombing. Patients are being sent to cities that were not harmed in the attack, many of which have suffered fatal injuries.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2018 ⏰

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