Chapter 2

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"It's pretty boring around here, there's never much to do since the heat wave kicked in," I sigh, leaning against a tree, a small blue bird catches my eye. I watch it swoop down and start pecking in the dirt path ahead of me. Unaware, innocent, carefree, lucky bird.

"Don't you have that grand opening to attend?" he asks leaning back in his chair.

"Yeah, it starts in like, half an hour or something," I say waving it off causally.

"So why aren't you getting ready?"

"Meh, I have plenty of time. It's so boring though."

"At least you have any," he replied, resting his head in the palm of his hand. "I barely have time to sleep!"

I stretch my arms, "Then why are you wasting your time talking to me?"

"Eh, I'm not tired and since I just returned from my mission, no one's bugging me to do something for them."

My interest spikes, as I focus my undivided attention on the screen. He's never brought up one of his missions before. "How did it go?" I ask carefully, not wanting to pry too much in case he shuts up before he starts.

"It was okay. I wasn't even supposed to talk to anybody today, just go around the area..."

My eyes widen, "But you did!"

He laughed sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck, "I didn't see her until it was too late."

"Wow, ten years of spy training defeated by a girl in ten seconds!" I laugh, "Not to mention, you broke all the rules and codes and whatever fancy stuff they teach you up in that private school."

He shrugs casually, "I've never been one to abide by the rules anyway."



"If I remember correctly, you were the one who told my mom I stole an extra cookie in kindergarten! And I do remember correctly!"

He crosses his arms, "Um... I changed?"

"Oh, sure you did!" I roll my eyes.

"Jeez man, that was 11 years ago, let it go already!" he says waving his hands around.

"I still get lectured for that to this very day!"

"Yeah right."

"I do too."

"Oh of course you do Your-" A frantic beeping on my computer interrupts him before he can continue. "Well, I got to go." I grumble.

"Okay. See you later then."

"Alright, bye Ash." I close the Chat and slip the computer back into my backpack. I quickly stand up, slip the bag over my shoulder, and run out of the forest as fast as possible.

There's no way Tracey can keep my parents occupied for long. They were born and raised spies – well, Mom was at least – they'll know somethings up. I duck into the secret passage, swiftly closing it behind me and continue to run.

Up four stories, down two hallways, left, left, and the first door on the right. I manage to make it into my room, about two seconds before someone knocks on my door. Breathing heavily, I stumble to open the door after kicking my backpack under the bed.

"I tried to hold them off as long as possible, but you know how they are, I'm really, really sorry!" Tracey rushes before disappearing down the hallway again. Before I can even ask, Mom and Dad appear out of nowhere.

ForbiddenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ