Chapter 8: Public Disturbance

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Chapter 8: Public Disturbance

Oh my gosh. He's taking me out. Or in. Or somewhere, doesn't matter. It's happening. I'm going on a date! I haven't been on a date in so long, it's almost like it's my first time again! I haven't wiped the grin off of my face since the boy who was staring at me finally saw what he was doing and awkwardly walked off. What, is he mad cuz I wouldn't let him make a move on me? 

I open my front door smiling from the center of my forehead to the center of my forehead. 

"Mom I'm--"

"Rose!" My mom came from around the dining room looking mad as heck. "What do you think I am? The maid?!" Well, yes. "Because I'm not! And I don't want to see this house torn to pieces ever again! Do you understand me?"

Let's just cut to the chase, she yells, I argue, she wins, I lose, I trip. "Yes, mother."

Her look turns to one of mild shock at my cooperation.

"Okay, what happened because you're supposed to fight back with me and you completely blew it off." She took her black fabric she had in her hand, which basically came out of nowhere and slung it over her shoulder.

"Nothing much. I just have a freakin' date with this guy!" My mom drops a needle that I don't even know where it came from and her mouth falls open. She immediately smiles and starts to hold my hands jumping up and down. Being the weirdo I am, I jump up and down with her squealing.

"Eeep! I know, mom! It's so exciting." She stops hopping like a patient closes her brown eyes taking a deep breath trying to calm herself.

"Okay, okay. Who, when, where, why and how?" Her eyes open and she looks at me with anticipation showing all over her face.

I start ticking things off with my fingers. "Ryan Skaggs, the guy that came over Friday, tonight at six, don't know where but it's casual, I don't know because maybe he likes me? And in the school parking lot." 

I'm hauled in a huge mother bear hug and rubs my back soothingly. 

"Oh my gosh, my little Chair Eating Bear is growing up so fast!" She sniffs. Oh, no, ew mom! I don't want your nasty boogers all over my top! I have a freakin' date for goodness sakes!

"Okay, mom, um, ew. No snot." She backs up immediately her eyes puffy. 

"Oh, I'm sorry honey. Just go do your homework before your date tonight, you have about three hours by now. There's also a box on your bed. Someone dropped it off. Maybe it was Ryan because it's very lovely." She walked off towards her work room to finish whatever she was working on.

A box? Did Ryan really beat me here just to give me a pre-gift?

Anxious, I run up the stairs heading into my bright bedroom. Sure enough, sitting right on the bed is a box. It's pretty small so it could be either jewelry or a time bomb. Knowing what's happened to me the past few days, I wouldn't be surprised if Barney came barging into my room chasing me saying he loves me. He was a professional pedophile.

I try to pick up the box, and my head slowly starts to hurt all over again. I think it's just from Misty's scheme. It's been on and off all day. As I continue to open it my headache gets worse and I feel really nauseated. When I open the box completely, the pain in my head gets over whelming. I drop the box to the floor take some steps back and clutch my head and clenching my teeth, as the pain slowly washes away.

Dude what was that? It hasn't been that bad since Misty touched me. When I'm sane again I go and look at the box perfectly propped up on my floor. 

It's the ring that Misty had on.

Who the heck would send me this crap?! I don't want her filthy death ring in my house! Nonetheless, in my room!

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