A Good Mix-up

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Steve tapped his foot irritated. Thor was late. It was 10 past 7 and Steve had an obsession with being on time (although he would never admit it). Being on time was important to Steve. He always got dressed an hour before he had to and arrived to events and places nearly 30 minutes before the set time. To Steve being late or on time was crucial.  And here he was waiting for a late God and his date awkwardly in the Avengers lounge.  His patience began to thin out when the loud crash of doors being pushed open startled him.  Not many things scared Steve—he was a well composed person most of the time—but seeing a Norse God busting through doors with his eyes scanning the room as though a life depended on it made Steve battle ready.  Thor's eyes spotted the object of his panic and he eased into a more calm and friendly state.  A smile greeted Cap as Thor sighed, "Ah friend. I worried you were gone. I apologize for my lateness but there has been a change of plans."  Cap went from battle ready to confused in the moments it took Thor to explain.  

"Ok?" It was unusual for Thor to change plans so last minute.  Cancelling plans? Cap had counted on that—it was a normal part of their lives being the Avengers—but altering them?  That was new.  Nonetheless, Steve trusted Thor—it's what makes the Avengers a great team and good set of friends.  Thor led Steve to the elevator and pressed the button to Bruce's floor.  "Uh Thor?"

"Yes Captain?"  Thor replied innocently and obliviously.

"Why are we going to Bruce's floor?"  After the events of Loki, Bruce had told the team to call him by his first name instead of his last as a way of expressing his trust; in fact, each of the team members had done the same or something similar as a way of forming a greater team bond.  Still, they all had their own secrets but so does every friendship.

The elevator starting moving and Thor's eyes widened as he realized he was stuck with no excuse.  The God of Thunder chuckled nervously, "Well uh Captain the reservations lady Jane made were meant for 8pm—yes!"  There was a light in Thor's eyes as he happily came up with the perfect lie.  "But it turns out there was a—what do you humans call it when things don't go as planned?"

"Mistake? Change of plans?"

"No, no."  Thor grumbled with a look of concentration.  "Like when humans become confused and make a mess of things."

"A mix-up?"

"Yes! I guess you could say there was a mix-up and the reservation was set at 8am which is absurd.  Why would I eat fancy human food in the morning when I can have a pop tart?"  Thor laughed again—this time genuinely.  "Humans."  He sighed and shook his head.

"What does that have to do with Bruce's floor?"

"He let us use his floor for dinner."  With that the elevators finally opened and Thor led the way through the living room to a closed door.  Just as he approached the door Thor stopped and turned to the super soldier.  Suddenly, Cap felt a strong force pushing him and he was lying on his stomach on the ground inside those doors.  The lights were dim and it took him a second to adjust to his surroundings before he saw Tony on the ground with his hands tied behind his back and legs tied together expertly.  Tony was wearing a black suit with a red shirt and black tie.  The suit wasn't tight but since Tony's hands were tied behind his back his strong arms were visible enough to make Steve daydream  for a minute of those same arms pushing him into bed.

Tony's voice pulled him back into reality.  "They got you too?"  

"Who did?"

"From who I know? Natasha and Bruce."

"Thor was the one who threw me in here."

"Ah makes sense."

"Hey!"  A voice sounded throughout the room.  "I was apart of this plan as much as they were."

"You too Clint?"  Tony sounded betrayed. "I thought we were prankster friends."

"As the better prankster I have to make sure I'm one step ahead."  Clint once again spoke into a mic that connected to speakers inside the room.

"Why are we here?" Steve interrupted.

"Better prankster."  Tony mumbled, offended and already plotting his prank on Clint.

"Well Mr. Rogers, the Avengers and I have collectively agreed that you and Tony have gathered romantic emotions towards each other and have decided it is best for you two to discuss them immediately."  Steve blushed at the AI's insinuation regarding his emotions towards the tied up genius in front of him.

"JARVIS!"  Tony responded shocked and betrayed once more.  "You too!  You are my AI.  You are supposed to be on my side."  

"I apologize Mr. Stark but you gave me no direct order to stop this plan and I was aiding the other members of the team as you directed me to."  The AI retorted sounding impossibly smug.  Tony slumped back on his tied hands still feeling betrayed by his own creation.

"In the meanwhile," Natasha added, "when you guys finally discuss your emotions we'll let you free and by the way this is a Hulk proof room so there's no exiting without our orders.  There is water in the corner of the room and a bathroom of course in the room next to it."

"F-feelings?  I don't have feelings for S-Steve."  Tony defended himself almost appearing confident were it not for the stuttering.

"Nice job on the Hulk proof room Tony."  Bruce said. "It's helpful for a lot of occasions.  And by the way you're no good at lying."

"JARVIS, do you mind turning of the cameras in the room and just letting us know if there's a problem?"  Natasha asked.

"Of course Ms. Romanoff."

"Have fun boys. We'll leave you to it.  Now who's up for the Matrix marathon?"  The rest of the team cheered in agreement as they set up for a bit of movie night leaving a tied up, betrayed Tony in well-fitted suit and a blushing, nervous Steve in a button down blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up and tight jeans that fit his ass well in one locked Hulk-proof room.

"Fuck."  Steve cursed looking Tony in his eyes.

Not gonna lie I've been avoiding Wattpad for the longest and usually just pop in here to respond to comments.  Anyway it's summer time and it's 4:42 in the morning so I decided to finish this draft and I have the best idea for the next part.  By the way, does anyone want smut?  I'm going to start the draft for the next chapter tomorrow but I will wait by the end of the week to get the most votes for yes or no to see if I'll post smut or not.  Maybe I'll just make the smut a whole different chapter to those uncomfortable with it.  Just a warning I'm a reader not a writer and I'm not used to smut but I'll try if that has the most votes.  Practice makes perfect right?  I should probably sleep now.  Anyway sorry for the update hold up I'm not a good writer.  If I see a grammar/spelling mistake when I can stay focused on my screen and am not sleep deprived I'll fix it. Biiiii xoxo

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