Chapter 1

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Niall got home with a frown. The television was still on but his dad was sleeping. A bottle clung to his hand with many scattered around the floor. Niall quickly went around, sweeping, dusting, straightening up. 

"Dad." He shook him. "Dad, wake up."

His dad opened his eyes and Niall got a clear view of the bags beneath them.

"Oh, how was school son?"

"It was good." He turned the telly off and took the bottle from his dad, putting it on the coffee table. "Go sleep for a bit and I'll wake you when dinner is ready."

He heard his dad mumble "such a good son" as he stumbled up the stairs and into a bedroom. Again, turning the television on, full volume, door left open. 

Niall let out a small sigh and fixed the couch cushions. He pulled out his phone to check the time. It was difficult with the large crack on the screen. He went to the kitchen and opened the freezer to see what there was to make.

"I guess I'll just call  for pizza." He muttered and used his cellphone.


He tried waking his dad but one step in the room he wanted to break down. There were pictures on the dresser, cigarette butts by the lamp. The room reeked with memories and depression so he set the pizza box on the bed beside his dad and went back downstairs.

Once he was sat at the table he took a look around at the three chairs that originally held three other members of a happy family. All that remained was a broken boy by himself, crying and just staring at his lap.

Nights seemed long at the Horan house. Niall felt as if it should not even be called that. It should just be the hell hole. So, nights seemed long in the hell hole. He would lay on his bed facing the ceiling. Sleep rarely came to Niall and that seemed to be the only thing his dad did. 

Getting bored of the silence he put on a sweater and went outside. His backpack was slung over his shoulder and the cool summer air at night nipped at his skin. 

Like usual he walked around the houses for a little then made his way towards a small convenience store that was open 24 hours. He bought a few candy bars and a cup of coffee. He walked to a nearby park and sat on a bench, sipping the coffee and just staring off and thinking.

"Should've brought my guitar." He mumbles to himself.


He jumps at the voice and turns to see Harry standing on the sidewalk with his phone as a light source.

Harry smiles and approaches Niall, "Mind if I sit?"

Niall shrugs his shoulders and moves his bags from beside him.

"It's so late to be out." Harry says.

Niall hands him a chocolate bar, not replying.

"Do you always come out here this late?"

Niall nods and that's okay with Harry because he's getting something from the boy. Harry is still wearing that smile as he opens the chocolate and breaks a piece off to eat.

They sit there quietly and Niall is thankful that Harry isn't one of those overly curious people.

"If you would like to talk one day I'm all ears." Harry said once he stands up to leave. "Goodbye Niall. Hope to see you at school." He hugged Niall (who didn't return it).

Niall hopes to see him as well.

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