1. Finally Fifteen

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A slight chill danced around us as we lazed on the dusty road, back to back, we quietly chattered. “So how was your day?” I whispered with just enough volume just for him to hear. He turned and glanced at me “it be amazing now!” and winked. A smile crept across my face “same here”. As music faded behind racket floated up the lane from my party and guests, I glanced up and was amazed. “Codie, look at the stars” the words were barely audible when they escaped my lips.

I felt his head tilt into mine as he gazed at the moonlit wonder; there was a complete silence for a number of moments before I heard “it’s so beautiful, I can’t believe I didn’t even notice, although, with you sitting there, im not surprised it went un-seen” and I just giggled, with a ridiculous beam on my face.

He re-adjusted his position and our hands brushed, noticing my hands were icy; he intertwined our fingers and with a sheepish grin in an explanatory way, shared “we can’t let your fingers freeze”. I wasn’t going to object, I just relaxed my head on his shoulder, his fragrant scent could only be described as wonderful, my golden hair flaring over his shoulder. I didn’t want the few moments we had to come to an end, but they did.

“Kaylah, I really don’t want to say this, but we better head in now, they’ll be wondering where we escaped to” he quietly said. “Let’s go then” I sighed. He leapt up, but I took my time. I reached out to steady myself; he grasped my hand and easily lifted me to my feet. “Thankies” even if I was deaf, I could have told you what he was going to say next, and as predicted, the next thing I heard was his voice softly saying “Anytimez”, without hesitation I replied “Anyplacez”. After going out for so long, it was expected for us to say things that were “cute”.

We walked towards the barn with the cliché hands in back jean pockets; it was just everyday stuff that I loved. “Ladies first” We climbed up the ladder to the hayloft; the hayloft meant we could sneak back into the party without too much attention on the two of us.

In my crème ballet flats I half skipped and half walked down the bales that lined the wall in a stair format. The sparkly lavender bow in my hair catching the delicately strung fairy lights. As mum grasped the microphone and announced “The Birthday Girl has re-appeared”, a spotlight highlighted me. Ive moved houses and cities numerous times, so I’m kinda used to being at the core of things, I mean everyone chills with the new girl a bit. Having been the new girl so many times, I have me the confidence to not mind being the hub of attention.

“Kaylah, time for gifts” All my mates cheered. My friends were repeatedly informed all I wanted them to do was show up. However, telling some of my girlfriends not to shop is like, telling Kristen Stewart to show some emotion, not gonna happen!

I glimpsed to the loft, resting on the banister, Codie sent a wink my way. That was the small boost I needed, I strolled across to the table of gifts. Everyone was whistling and yelling. “Who is this from?” picking up the first wrapped surprise I laid my eyes on. 

Lifes A Mystery....But Its Worth The WaitTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon