All Hallow's Eve

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18-year-old Callie Jacob strolled down the sidewalk with her 15-year-old brother, Jude. It was Halloween night and the two of them had been invited over to the Adams Foster house to celebrate. They were both dressed in costume; Callie wearing a hot pink '70s outfit while Jude was dressed as a police officer. Ringing the doorbell, the brunette adjusted her sequined tube top, which was getting very itchy. The door was opened by Mariana, who was either dressed as a koala or a mouse. The girl burst out laughing at the sight of the brunette's costume.

"Oh, be quiet." Callie ordered, giving the 17-year-old girl a quick hug before walking the rest of the way inside.

Turning around, Stef and Lena began to laugh themselves at the sight of the 18-year-old. Rolling her eyes, the brunette turned around and headed for the door, only to be stopped by the Moms.

"No, no, don't leave! You look great." Stef said, playing with the girl's straightened hair.

"I made her wear it." Jude announced, "It was my turn to pick."

"You two pick each other's costumes?" Lena asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Sort of, we tradeoff who picks every year. Since it was his turn, he forced me to wear this outfit while he chose his own unridiculous cop costume." Callie explained, "I'm getting you back next year, by the way."

"Oh, well that's a fun tradition." The blonde complimented, slinging an arm around both kids and leading them into the kitchen, where the rest of the family was.

"Hey, guys." The brunette greeted, munching a sugar cookie shaped like a Jack-'O-Lantern. Jesus smiled at the two kids and pulled them into a sweaty side-hug. Brandon looked up from the end of the kitchen table and smiled.

"What's up with you guys?" Mariana asked, joining them around the table, "You know, since we never hear from you anymore."

"Not true." Callie countered, "I texted you just last week."

"Yeah, but that was ages ago." The Latina complained, wrapping the older girl in a hug, "I miss you here."


"That's all I get?"

"What do you mean?"

"No I miss you Mariana or I want to move in with you, Mariana."

Callie burst out laughing, "Okay, fine I miss you."

The 17-year-old girl smiled at the brunette, "Good." She stole the sugar cookie out of Callie's hand and ate it quickly.


"Too late." Mariana said, "I really do miss you, Cal. I really thought we were gonna be sisters."

"I mean, we still are." The brunette said with a shrug, "Unless you just want to be degraded to the best friend status only?"

"Be quiet." The Latina said, hugging the girl again.

After dinner with the Adams Fosters, Callie had to take Jude home. She bid goodbye to the family and kissed the Moms goodbye.

"Hey, Callie?" Jude asked.


"Will you take me trick-or-treating?"

"Jude, you're fifteen."


"So, don't you think you're a little old to go door to door asking for candy?"

"Nope." He answered, popping the P, "Can we?"

Callie rolled her eyes, "Fine."

The Adams Foster family waved goodbye and watched the siblings leave. They closed the door behind the two, before heading back into the kitchen to clean up.

"I still wish she'd stay with us." Mariana admitted, brushing some crumbs into her hand. The Moms rolled their eyes, "We know Mari." Stef said, "You've been saying that ever since she left!"

"She's my sister, Moms. What, am I supposed to be happy that she left?" The Latina asked, shrugging.

"No, but you should be happy that she wants to be a part of our lives. She did call you her sister, after all." Lena pointed out.

"Has she called you Moms?" The Latina asked.

Both women went silent. They hadn't even thought of that.

"Um, no." Stef said, leaning against the counter, "She hasn't."

Mariana shook her head in dismay, "Why won't she? She's said it before, hasn't she?"

"Yes, but only to Mom." Lena said, "But that was two years ago, honey. We don't know if she'll even call us that again."

"I think she will." Mariana said, smiling, "She considers you two her Moms."

"How would you know that?" Stef asked, crossing her arms.

"I pay attention. Plus, Callie told me herself over text." She shrugged, "I know my sister. Cal tells me everything, because she's my best friend."

Kissing Stef and Lena goodnight, Mariana ran upstairs, leaving the two shocked Moms alone in the kitchen.

"Well, this is news." Lena said, "Though I suppose it isn't a surprise. We've been treating her as a daughter no wonder she thinks of us as her parents."

"I just wish she'd say that to our faces." Stef said sadly, "Why do you think she won't? Is she scared or something?"

"Yes, I believe so."

"What, though?"

"I don't know, maybe...maybe she's afraid of having parents again."

"Maybe." Stef sighed.

Back at their apartment, Callie sat on the edge of Jude's bed holding his hand. He had fallen asleep after a major sugar crash and for whatever reason, she didn't want to leave his room.

Wearing her pajamas, she slipped under the covers and cuddled her little brother. Granted, he would most likely get very annoyed with her the next morning, but Callie couldn't bring herself to care.

Eyes drooping closed, she smiled. She opened one eye to stare at her Halloween costume that was discarded just in front of her own bedroom door. As much as she hated that itchy, horrible costume, she couldn't help but smile.

The memories of her short but sweet time at the Adams Foster house flooded through her mind.

The brunette would never admit this to herself, or anyone really, she missed that house. She missed everything about it.

Especially the people living inside it.

Even Brandon.

Lifting her head up, she gently kissed her brother's cheek before drifting off to sleep.

This had been the best Halloween ever.

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