What In The World Is A Demigod? {part 1}

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Thunder followed the lightening. It was so loud that I jumped in fright. Why do I always forget that thunder seconds lightning? There was a great storm – the wind howled, and the fall of the heavy rain echoed throughout my room. I quickly shut my curtains and slipped back into bed, wrapping myself tightly in my thick duvet. It's nights like these where I just wanted to curl up and watch shows on Netflix till late.

Suddenly, I heard my door creak, which made my heart skip a beat. I became instantly alert and looked up at my door. It was open, but no one was there. Of course, there wasn't. What was I thinking? It must've just fallen open by itself. I'm home alone tonight – my mum and her boyfriend are at a party, and I couldn't tell you where Jacob, my brother, is even if I wanted too. He never says where he is going. He's most likely getting high somewhere with his druggie friends. Disgusting.

I get so paranoid when I'm home alone. Every sound makes me flinch, and the storm definitely did not help my situation. I really need to get a grip.

As I focused on choosing a Netflix show to watch, my dresser banged against the wall as if something had hit into it. I sat up so quickly in my bed at the sound that my laptop fell to the floor. Okay, I thought to myself, this is not a drill. What the hell was that?

The rain was still plummeting as I sat frozen for a moment. My heart was running laps. I crawled slowly to the edge of my bed and looked down to see a stranger lying face-up on my floor!

"Sorry I didn't mean to do that," the intruder said rather casually before flashing a smile.

My eyes were wide, and I hadn't realised I stopped breathing until I took in a breath to scream.

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" I cried as I crawled back to the top of my bed.

The intruder stood up and straightened his clothes as if nothing about this situation fazed him. He started walking closer to me. I stumbled out of my bed and grabbed the closest thing to me, which happened to be a lamp. I held it as if I were about to swing a baseball bat – it was the most threatening stance I could think of. However, the fact that I was shaking with fear counteracted the intimidating image I was aiming for.

"Wait! Please calm down, just let me explain," he pleaded. Maybe I did look scary?

Now, upon closer inspection, I realised just how young the intruder was. He couldn't have been much older than me. With his wild, curly hair falling messily on his forehead, tan skin, and cute facial features he was, dare I say it, quite good-looking. Just who was this person?

When I didn't reply, he continued, "Please, I'm not here to hurt you." He held up his hands, "Look, no weapon. I just need to...pass on a message."

I gave him a sideways glance as I was unsure of his true intentions, but somehow at the same time, I was intrigued and decided to listen.

"Go on." I motioned with my lamp for him to continue.

"I am from Camp Half-Blood and have been sent on an important mission to come and retrieve you as the newest member of our camp." His words were all jumbled in my head. Camp Half-Blood? Is that some sort of cult or something?

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I confessed.

"Yeah, that's kind of expected, I guess."

"Basically, you're a demigod, like me, and if you don't come with me right now to Camp Half-Blood, our demigod safe haven, you're going to be in grave danger."

"Is this some sort of joke?" I asked.

"What? No. I assure you-"

"What in the world is a demigod, and why would I be one?"

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