Chapter 3: Odin and Fury play Poker?

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Author: Hey guys. What did I miss?

Tony: You missed out an awesome display of awesomeness is what you missed! Wasp looked so cool shooting down that dummy!

Janet: Aww c'mon Iron Man! It wasn't that awesome. But yeah, I'd say I did a super job with target practice.

Author: Even though I didn't see it, congrats Wasp. How did you do it anyways?

Janet: That's easy. All I had to do was imagine that the dummy was some jerk about to unfollow me.

Author: Ah...

Tony: I bet I can aim better with my gauntlets if I upgrade the stabilization and target visualization systems.

Janet: Thats what I was going to say!

Wasp and Iron Man shared a high-five while Author just sighed.

Pepper: Hey Author? I need to discuss something with you for a second. Also, the construction for Club A is finished.

Iron Man and Wasp seemed excited when she said that and they took off. Iron Man may have been very intelligent but he was so childish most of the time. Author honestly felt bad for Pepper having to put up with the brunette since the two of them were friends.

Author: What did you want to discuss?

Pepper: It's about our new student.

Author: Really? Director Fury said that it was a secret who the new student is. At least until he wants us to know who it is.

Pepper: Well... don't get mad but there was a reason he didn't tell us... the new student is Loki. God of Mischief and Chaos.


~Time-skip brought to you by Tony's sexy legs!~


Fury didn't know what was happening. One moment he was dealing with important paperwork involving the latest shipment of food and weapons, then all of a sudden Author kicked down the door to his office and started cussing him off. Now he was busy waiting for them to stop ranting.

Fury: Are you done?

Author: For now...

Fury: Good enough. Now mind telling me why you barged into my office and started talking to me with sailor words?

Author: The reason why, matey, is because of the fact that you recruited LOKI for the academy?! Might as well invite Thanos as the janitor at this rate!

Fury sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He knew Author would react like this. He knew it hundreds of years before he even considered the idea for a school for heroes.

Fury: I understand your concerns but I'll have you know that it wasn't my decision. The only reason I even considered him for a student was because of a poker game that I lost to Odin...

Author: Okay 1) you and Odin play poker? And 2) ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!

Fury: First off, yes we play poker. Second, I'm not kidding. He insisted that Loki has potential as a hero. He just needs proper... 'guidance'. At least that's what he told me. Besides the more firepower we have, the better.

Author just stared at Fury as if he was wearing an ice-cream man suit. This can't be real, can it? This is real.

Author: Fine. But I've gotta go Loki-proof the academy real quick.

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