Tougher than Expected

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Jameson Jackson was almost bouncing with excitement as the bus rounded the final corner before his stop. He had so many stories for Schneep. One of his co stars had been trying to learn sign language for a few weeks now and they had finally held a proper conversation! Even so, it would be nice to see his friend again and let all of his thoughts pour out into the world.

The bus rumbled down the road, slowing as it reached JJ's stop. Standing quickly, he stepped into the aisle and the small group of passengers flowed out the doors. Pulling Jamie along with them. As soon as he had made it off the bus JJ looked around. The good doctor wasn't there.

No matter. JJ thought to himself. He's hardly ever on time anyway. Walking across the sidewalk he plopped himself onto a bench to wait.


Time passed slowly as Jameson sat there, swinging his legs lazily. In an attempt to be at least slightly productive he decided to practice his magic. Marvin was, of course, a thousand times more powerful. But Jamie had an affinity for summoning objects. Something the master magician struggled with.

Reaching his hand out to his side Jameson stretched his fingers out. Imagining an object just beyond their tips. Soon he felt cold metal against his skin. Taking hold of the object he pulled gently, wiggling it from its place in space and bringing it into his. There was a small poof of dry air and then it was in his hand. Lifting the summoned object in front of him JJ smiled. An old fashioned pocket watch hung between his fingers.

Time ticked away as Jameson summoned and returned objects with increasing ease. After about three minutes he pulled out his phone and sent Schneep a quick text. Asking if he was alright. JJ tapped his fingers on the bench. A quiet drum solo of boredom. Schneep didn't reply. After seven minutes he was beginning to worry. Where could the doctor be? He's never this late. Nervous ideas began to creep in. Filling his mind like smoke in a small room. Had he been kidnapped? Mugged? Was he lying in an alley somewhere with a stab wound in his chest?

Calm down. Jameson told himself. Think this through logically. He started to do the breathing exercise Chase had shown him. In for four. Hold for four. Out for four. The fog began to lift from his mind. Milk! Jackie asked him to pick up milk this morning. Relief flooded through the small ego. He hopped off the bench and set off towards the grocery store. Sure, Schneep was probably fine, but JJ was still a bit on edge. He wanted to be a hundred percent sure that his friend was alright.


It wasn't a far walk from the bus stop and soon Jameson had reached the grocery store the egos frequented. Opening the door gently he slid inside. The store was almost empty with only a few shoppers spread throughout the isles. It wasn't at all hard for Jamie to peek down each row of shelves. Anxiety grew bigger with each empty isle until he finally concluded that Schneep was not in the store.

Breathe in for four. Hold for four. Out for four. The panic that had filled his chest diminished slightly. It was still there, lurking beneath the surface, just as it had since he had gotten off the bus. But at least Jameson could think again.

Logic. He reminded himself. Maybe he stayed late at the hospital. Making up his mind quickly JJ left the store. Walking in the direction of the hospital. His pace quicker and more determined than before.


With the fast pace and nervous ramble of thoughts, JJ reached the hospital in record time. As he reached the front desk the receptionist gave him a bright smile.

"Mr. Jackson. It's nice to see you again." Her teeth were blinding white and JJ found himself looking uncomfortably over her shoulder. "I'll go call Hailey." She said quickly and turned to page the only nurse who spoke sign language. Jameson waited awkwardly for about a minute before Hailey rounded the corner.

"JJ!" She exclaimed, "Sorry it took so long. Without Schneep here we're rather short staffed."

"Schneep isn't here?" Jamie asked, his panic returning full force.

"He never showed up. We assumed he was sick, although he usually calls in." Hailey explained. "I take it he's not sick then?" The thought hit JJ like a truck. Instantly the panic began to calm.

"He might be," He replied, feeling slightly better. "We walked to the bus together but it's possible he realized he was sick and turned back after I left."

"Well, tell him to call in next time," the nurse said with a small smile. "I'll see you around JJ."

"So long," Jameson waved and headed out the door. Turning his tired body towards home. That had been much more walking than he was used to. Pulling out his phone he began a text to Jackie, asking why Schneep hadn't called in sick, when he heard a yell from behind him.

A yell with a distinct German accent.

JJ spun around, wrapping the good doctor in a huge hug, before pulling back and looking at him accusatory.

"Where were you? What happened?" He questioned righteously indignant about having seemingly wasted his afternoon looking for his friend.

"Zat is a story for everyone to hear," The doctor replied. "I am okay and zat is all zat matters right now." He turned to the smaller ego with a smile and a small bow. "Now, dear Jameson, vould you accompany me home?" JJ smiled back.

"Of course,"


The two friends walked in silence for several minutes. As the excitement of seeing his friend and the high from an instant loss of anxiety began to fade away, however, Jamie began to notice a strange hum of static. It was quiet. Almost inaudible. But definitely there.

Turning to look at the doctor, who was walking briskly with his eyes focused on the horizon, he studied his friend more closely. What he noticed caused his breath to catch in his throat. Beneath Schneep's skin were glitches. Hardly visible. But definitely there. Panic curled in the pit of JJ's stomach again as the final puzzle pieces fell into place.

Quietly he pulled his phone out again. Softly typing a message to Jackie. His fingers shaking. He had just finished and was about to press send when he heard an angry growl. In an instant the phone was knocked from Jamie's hands and he was flying backward. He hit the ground hard rolling to absorb the impact.

Jameson looked up to see the doctor advancing on him. A wickedly sharp scalpel in one hand. JJ's phone lay beyond him, face up on the concrete. JJ reached into the void grasping the first thing his hand came in contact with. He tugged, faster than usual, and a knife appeared in his hand. Jamie groaned inwardly. He didn't want to hurt his friend. Unfortunately, Schneep didn't seem to share the sentiment. He lunged at the smaller ego, grabbing his wrist and twisting viciously.

JJ dropped the knife and yanked his hand out of the doctors grip. Lunging around the doctor he took two faltering steps, grabbed his phone, and pressed send. Right as Schneep plunged the fallen knife into his chest.

Jameson froze. Staring down at the blood that welled up, staining his white blazer with red. He took a few shaking breaths and collapsed onto the pavement. Dead.

Schneeps lips tugged up into a smile. He wiped his hands down the sides of his coat, leaving behind several red smears. He turned on his heel and walked down the street. Away from the septic house. There was no need to go there anymore. The puppets would come to Anti on their own. Desperate for revenge. A glitching laugh filled the air.

"Ẃͅê͇l̜̃l̺̋ ̣͠ḓ̈́o̹͊n̐͜ē̖ ̦̓m͓̃u̙͗t̰͒e͇͠.̲͑ ̰̽Ȳ̧o̜͠ṳ̈́ ̢͝ẁ̨ę̀r̯͋e̬͆ ̰̊t͚̉ö͓ŭ͕g̣̅h̘̐e͓̓r̦̆ ̪̌ẗ̞́h̬̉a̙̅ṅ̹ ̫͂I̎ͅ ̟̅ë̬x̦̿p̻̈́ẻ͎c͓͗ẗ͚ḛ͊ḑ̂.̺̂"

The Beginning of The EndOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant